Natural chronic pain relief | fascia and breathwork to heal chronic pain

Are you struggling with chronic knee pain or joint pain?

Maybe you’re having difficulties with neck pain or lower back pain?

Perhaps you’re ready to explore natural remedies to overcome chronic pain.

If any of this rings true for you, I want you to know you have come to the right place.

Did you know that when pain persists, the body learns to detect smaller problems. You feel more therefore nerves send more signals about the problems.

A natural approach to healing chronic pain is to start with calming the nervous system.

If you’re serious about natural chronic pain relief, please explore my 12-minute fascia and breathwork yoga practice to heal chronic pain.


From a Yoga Therapist perspective, healing chronic pain starts with balancing your nervous system. Did you know that your breathing influences your nervous system? This means that specific breathing techniques will offer a natural way to start healing chronic pain.

If you’re experiencing chronic pain, it’s essential that you start this healing journey by learning how to self-regulate and calm your nervous system using a daily self-care practice.

Yoga offers many promising research-backed practices for healing chronic pain by regulating the breathing, releasing physical body tensions, and building awareness to thoughts and emotions surrounding chronic pain.

These practices help to decrease the reaction of protective systems when pain signals arise in the body.

There are many ways for chronic pain sufferers to distract or escape the emotional and physical pain, however, healing begins when you find ways to soothe and calm the chronic pain.

Yoga therapy is a natural approach to self-regulate and heal chronic pain.

The more you learn how to self-regulate (with breathwork, self awarenss practices, asanas, and more) to feel calm and relaxed, the more you can stimulate your relaxation response and relieve your chronic pain.

In private online yoga therapy for chronic pain, clients learn how to self-regulate their breathing, body tensions, thoughts, and emotions.

One of the most powerful yoga therapy practices for reducing chronic pain is a fascia practice.

Fascia is your biggest sensing organ. A daily fascia practice can reduce pain, increase mobility, and invite more freedom into your body.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is your connective tissue, and your biggest sensing organ. It’s under your skin, around your organs, even your brain…it’s everywhere. Fascia resembles a spider web.

When fascia is well-hydrated, it allows your body to move with more ease and freedom.

Yoga Therapy offers very simple fascia practices that you can do each day to keep your fascia well-hydrated so you feel more freedom in your body and less pain.

What are the fascia practices that can reduce chronic pain?

Fascia has mecano-receptors which means you can stimulate your fascia with easy practices like:

  • Tapping your body (with your hands or a dowel)

  • Stretching,

  • Applying pressure (using a massage or fascia ball)

Fascia does not like to be stationary. When you don’t move, fascia becomes tight and tense which makes chronic pain worse.

If you don’t move or exercise often due to chronic pain, this pulls on the mecano-receptors and it can actually make you experience pain at a heightened level (and this all affects your nervous system). Therefore, not moving can actually increase pain.

This can be quite a conundrum for chronic pain sufferers since even gentle movement can feel challenging. It’s understandable that not moving might feel like a safer solution. A daily fascia and breathwork practice allows you to explore daily movement in a way that’s gentle and soothing.

The natural way to heal chronic pain is to move daily with a gentle fascia and breathing practice

Even if you’re injured or experiencing chronic pain, gentle daily fascia movements are key. Allow yourself even small pockets of movement like shakes and gentle taps.

How does a fascia practice help with alignment and posture?

Your bones actually ‘float’ inside your soft tissue.

Often, we imagine the bones as stacked. Since they float in your soft tissue, a daily practice to help hydrate and move your tissue benefits alignment and posture as well.

When you promote an even, balanced tone in your fascia (with a daily practice), bones stay lightly, easily floating in place. You’ll feel a difference in your alignment and posture after a consistent fascia practice.

I do these easy practices every morning and it’s transformed the way I feel in my body. I feel more freedom in my body. My movement feels lighter and easier.

Bottom Line:

When pain persists, the body learns to detect smaller problems. You feel more therefore nerves send more signals about the problems. A natural approach to healing chronic pain is to start with calming the nervous system and hydrating your fasica to reduce pain and feel more freedom in your body.

Your fascia loves to move so even if you’re injured, do what you can each day. Think of your body as a whole, feel awareness of your whole body because your fascia is all connected.

If you want to heal chronic pain, consider a daily yoga therapy and fascia self-care practice daily to get results.

Next Steps:

Book a free 20-minute consultation and discover how online private yoga therapy can help you naturally heal chronic pain.

I’m a Yoga Therapist C-IAYT (trauma-informed) and I’m here to support you.

Thanks and sending you big healing blessings,
Joss Frank | Yoga Therapist C-IAYT


Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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