Tap into the Spiritual Energy of Menstrual Blood: How To Naturally Ease Period Pain with Yoga

Are you experiencing period health issues such as period pains, cramps, irregularity, or heavy bleeding?

or perhaps deeper issues such as endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, or PCOS?

If you’re struggling with your period health and ready to explore natural healing techniques, you’ve come to the right place!

Yoga Therapy for Better Periods?

Improving your period health isn't just about physical symptoms like heavy bleeding or cramps. By focusing on emotional and spiritual healing, you can make a big difference.

It starts with changing your mindset to respect the power of your menstrual blood.

What happens in your mind affects how you feel in your body

What I discovered when I decided to explore healing my period pain naturally is that I was emotionally holding a lot of negativity towards my period cycle.

These negative thoughts were manifesting as emotional tensions which lead to: period pains, hormonal fluctuations, and mood swings.

This link between my mind, body, and spirit inspired me to dive into my own belief system.

… And I discovered I was holding onto a lot of self-limiting thoughts such as:

‘My period is annoying’

‘It’s gross’

‘I dread when I get my period’

Transforming Your Period Health Naturally: The Power of Positive Thoughts and Yoga!

Your thoughts about your period matter more than you think.
From a Yoga Therapist's perspective, negative thoughts can manifest as physical illness. But there's hope: by shifting your mindset, you can heal.

Start by reflecting on your thoughts about your period. I've been there! Drowning in negativity. But once I let go and embraced positivity, healing began.

Incorporating a daily yoga routine to improve pelvic health along with positive affirmations to foster a healthier relationship with your period will make a difference.

For example, I used the affirmation: "My period blood is sacred and it connects me to the creative energies of the universe"

Consistent positive affirmations can rewire your brain, fostering self-compassion and inner calm. This is how I naturally improved my period health.

Understanding the spirituality of my period blood was a game-changer.

It's a potent creative energy flowing through your sacred womb temple. Embracing this perspective filled me with self-love and confidence.

Gratitude and self-compassion for your womb can lead to a more peaceful period.

Here’s how to start improving your menstrual health:

  • Choose a few positive affirmations to repeat daily.

  • Journal track your cycle and learn how each phase of your cycle feels (Aligning with your cycle phases can drastically improve your period health. Trust me, it's worth it!).

  • Explore yoga asanas for your womb and pelvic floor health.

Bottom Line:

Take charge of your period health naturally. Start by releasing the self-limiting thoughts about your period cycle. Then, make a commitment to a daily yoga self-care practice to boost pelvic health.

Next Steps:

Heal your feminine in just 10 lessons. Join me on a transformative journey to release the past, heal your menstrual health, and understand your feminine spirituality.

Let go of emotional burdens, embrace your body's wisdom, and feel more freedom in your body.

Are you ready to heal your feminine and embrace a healthier period? Click below.

Sending you lots of womb blessings,

joss frank wild womb, womb healing

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist C-IAYT, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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