How to build self-Confidence and embrace your feminine energy with Yoga Nidra

Are you tired of feeling disconnected or blocked from your body and ready to feel more confidence, freedom, and pleasure? Yoga Nidra can help you.

Yoga Nidra - or yogic sleep as it is commonly known - is an immensely powerful meditation technique, and one of the EASIEST yoga practices to develop and maintain. (— Yoga International)

Yoga Nidra is quite literally the most magical natural medicine I’ve ever experienced. If you’ve never explored it, it’s essentially a deeper, more powerful, version of a guided meditation with profound benefits.

Yoga Nidra is considered a gentle form of hypnotherapy offering many profound benefits

Benefits include reducing anxiety, chronic fatigue, deepening body connection, and more.

Yoga Nidra is typically practiced from a reclined position but you could also enjoy it from seated, legs up the wall, or on your side. You’re encouraged to get as comfortable as possible when you listen to Yoga Nidra. This might include using pillows, blankets, and eye pillows. From here, all you have to do is RELAX (sometimes harder to do than it sounds!) and listen as you’re guided on a gentle journey within (tap the above video to explore a Yoga Nidra right now). Yoga Nidra’s can range anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 hour and beyond.

Yoga Nidra is a powerful practice for building confidence and healing feminine energy because it asks you to prioritize your sacred rest and practice more self-compassion.

Choosing your sacred rest is quite a liberating choice when you exist in a masculine fuelled society that places an awful lot of guilt on those who dare to rest and relax.

Resting is often labelled as ‘lazy’ and the admirable quality is to achieve and work hard. This masculine-focused lifestyle is all about goals, deadlines, and achievements…it’s exhausting.

The empowered woman knows the value of her sacred rest and Yoga Nidra is a powerful practice you can prioritize daily to feel more empowered in your body

The masculine-driven lifestyle has left us - as a society - feeling drained, unworthy, and constantly striving for more. But, what about the the feminine way of being and living? In a world brimming with stress and anxiety, the feminine promises a softer and gentler way of being.

What is feminine energy and how does Yoga Nidra for women help you embrace your feminine energy?

The best way to truly witness the qualities of feminine energy is to look into nature. It’s the qualities of movement, flow, transformation, and cycles. Think about the season changes, hibernation of animals, the fertility of crops and animals in the spring time. That same energy flow through all beings.

In Eastern Yogic philosophy, feminine energy is called śakti energy (Shakti)

If you want to embrace your feminine energy, a great starting point is to align your life with cycles* which include phases of inward rest time and phases of expansive expressive time.

*Examples of cycles to align with:

  • If you’re menstruating, you can follow your period cycle each month by journal tracking and honoring your ovulation as an expansive phase and your bleed as the resting phase.

  • If you do not menstruate, you could follow the moon phase each month. New moon represents a more expansive time and full moon represents a more gentle and inward time.

    If you’re someone who’s feeling quite disconnected from their body. I highly recommend prioritizing these monthly pockets of time for sacred rest.

Yoga Nidra for women is a powerful practice for embracing your feminine energy because it builds inner-awareness to your feeling, sensations, and energy.

Overtime, with a consistent custom Yoga Nidra practice for women’s health, you will become more aware of how you’re feeling, tensions in your body, emotions in certain areas of your body, and more.

This heightened awareness allows you to understand yourself and nurture your body on a deeper level.

Yoga Nidra is your invitation to do nothing, enjoy sacred rest, and just be in your body. It’s a trusted holistic practice that I swear by for boosting body connection, inner-peace, reduces stress, getting sexual energy flow more freely, and more.

What are the Benefits of Yoga Nidra?

(I’ll explain what womb yoga nidra is further down the page)

  • Access the healing alpha brain wave state: The alpha brain wave state happens when your eyes are closed but you’re in more of a wakeful relaxation vs sleeping. The beta brain wave state is your normal waking state (it’s associated with tension and stress).

  • A chance for your body to be heard which is helpful for healing and chronic pain management: You’re invited to ‘check-in’ with the reality of certain body parts (for example: their sensations, feelings, your relationship to it, etc).

  • Practice more compassion with your body: Have you ever ignored a gentle request in your body to adjust or move postures? And when you ignore, typically your body gets louder and screams out. During Yoga Nidra, you get to listen to all those gentle requests and practice more self-compassion.

  • Calms your nervous system: During Yoga Nidra, you access your parasympathetic nervous system which is your rest, digest, calm state.

  • Feel more connected to your body: The guidance within a Yoga Nidra invites you to move awareness and consciousness to a variety of different body parts. You’ll feel refreshed and connected to your body with frequent, consistent practices.

  • Release negative emotions and thought patterns: Yoga Nidra invites you to get quiet and tune-in to your inner sensations, emotions, and feelings. Once you shine awareness on your thoughts (instead of unconsciously being swayed by them), it becomes easier to invite more affirming and positive thoughts into your day that support your well-being.

  • Awaken your feminine energy: This practice allows you to feel into your sacral/womb energies: emotions, feelings, sensations, intuition, sexuality, creativity, and more.

  • Preventative practice: Ignoring your physical body can lead to illness. Your body is always whispering and guiding you. Yoga Nidra allows you to practice self-compassion and follow that guidance.

  • Hear your heart’s desire: Yoga Nidra allows you to feel your connection to life vs separate from it. A peaceful space to breathe awareness into your heart and listen to its’ visions and desires.

  • Get clarity: Your ideas, visions, and next steps will arise when you allow a sacred pause to greet your unconscious mind. It’s here that imagination opens up! (sound, memory, etc).

  • Reconnect to self: Without prioritizing time to rest into who you are, it’s easy to get swept up in who you think you should be or lost in feelings of self-judgement and criticism. This is your chance to practice kindness, gratitude, and self-compassion.

So, what is Yoga Nidra for women’s health?

Yoga Nidra
for women’s healt is just a custom version of Yoga Nidra which focuses on feminine anatomy (vagina, vulva, uterus, breasts, and more).

In a Yoga Nidra for women’s health, you’re invited to explore your sexual and reproductive organs and connect to your feminine anatomy.

When I guide women through their first Yoga Nidra, they often tell me that they’ve never meditated and focused awareness on their feminine parts before (for example: the clitoris). It can all feel quite liberating and exciting.

Yoga Nidra is for everyone. If you’re reading this and feeling inspired, you can do this. This is enjoyed best as a consistent weekly practice in order to truly feel the benefits (one session is not enough. Let this become a part of your life).

We live in a very fast, disposable culture. We try one thing and we move on to the next fad!

Yoga Nidra works best as a consistent, daily practice. For women ready to build confidence and feel more connected to their body, I highly recommend including a yoga nidra practice to their self-care practice

A consistent weekly or daily practice helps build new neural pathways in your brain so you can feel more confident and peaceful long-term.

Optimal wellness and success lies in your daily habits and Yoga Nidra is a wonderful new healthy habit for all women of all ages, body types, and experiences to explore.

You do not need a physical womb to enjoy yoga nidra for women’s health. The womb is also known as the energetic space of the sacral chakra and it’s equally as powerful. For example: For anyone who’s had a hysterectomy, womb yoga nidra is quite a healing practice to foster reconnection and kindness to a space that’s experienced a major transformation.

I hope that’s given you some insight into starting your journey to body empowerment, confidence, inner-trust, and more using Yoga Nidra for women’s health.

Next Steps:

  • Listen to my 12-minute yoga nidra for womb healing on youtube here

  • Join my newsletter and receive a free guided meditation for embracing feminine energy here

Sending you big womb healing blessings,

P.S: As Yoga Nidra is rising in popularity, many yoga teachers are offering it via reading it off a script without any education of Yoga Nidra. It will not be as powerful if it is read off a script without any understanding of this ancient practice.

I don’t recommend exploring Womb Yoga Nidra practices unless it’s from an experienced, reputable, trauma-informed Yoga Nidra teacher. Many women have experienced trauma or SA or abuse in the womb region therefore you should connect with it gently and kindly.

joss frank of wild womb

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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Before You Go! What If You Reconnected to the Power of Your Feminine Body?

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