Yoga Nidra for Women | Yogic Sleep for Womb chakra Healing and Trauma Release

Are you struggling with a uterus or pelvic illness such as pcos, fibroids, or cysts? Or a trauma affecting your womb such as sexual assault?

Maybe you’re having difficulties with a feminine experience such as period pains or post-natal recovery.

If so, you’re not alone and you might love the healing power of yoga nidra (also known as yogic sleep).

For anyone ready to manage an illness or challenge, Yoga Nidra offers a powerful form of sacred womb healing.

Yoga Nidra shares similarities to guided meditation but it is also considered a gentle form of hypnotherapy.

I’m Joss, Yoga Therapist C-IAYT specializing in womb healing. I’d love to share some ways that you can feel empowered with your self care.

I offer Yoga Nidra’s which focus on sacred womb healing for women. My approach is trauma-informed and helps women explore letting go of fears and trauma so they can build self-confidence, improve libido, and more.

If you’re new to yoga nidra, I recommend listening often (nightly for two weeks at least). This consistency gives your body a chance to establish safety and balance.

Here’s a Yoga nidra for sacred womb healing and trauma release | Yogic sleep:

If you’ve never explored Yoga Nidra before, you might just fall in love with this style of meditation that I’ve tailored for sacred womb healing. Yoga nidra is considered a gentle form of hypnotherapy and is known to provide some promising benefits.

The top benefits of Yoga Nidra for sacred womb chakra healing:

  • Reduce stress, depression, and anxiety.

  • Listen to what your body needs: Tune-in to your physical body parts, sensations, and tensions which is helpful for healing. When these gentle sensations are ignored, it can manifest into major health issues.

  • Calm and regulate your nervous system: Connect to your parasympathetic nervous system (the calm state).

  • Release negative emotions and thought patterns.

  • Access your alpha brain waves and release from your beta brain wave state which is associated with tension and stress.

  • Support physical and emotional challenges that comes with any changes or difficulties in your life. During yoga nidra, clarity and calm are cultivated.

Yoga Nidra
is a chance to treat yourself with kindness vs avoiding or resisting your inner feelings, emotions, and bodily sensations.

It gifts you a consistent space to practice mindfulness. When you’re mindful with your feelings and thoughts, they’ll flow through you better so you wont find yourself feeling stuck, blocked, or imbalanced.

If you’ve experienced womb trauma (such as a uterus illness, SA, or toxic ex-partner) Yoga nidra for womb healing offers a chance to greet your womb with compassion and kindness to promote healing along with reducing any anxiety or stress.

How to practice Yoga Nidra for sacred chakra womb healing?

  • I recommend a reclined position on your back (on a yoga mat or blanket) with palms open.

  • Use props such as pillows and blankets to ensure you’re ridiculously comfortable and supported.

  • Use an eye pillow (or small towel over the eyes) and headphones so you can really tune inwards.

Womb Yoga Nidra requires practice, if you fall asleep easy or your mind wanders, it’s perfectly normal. It might take time to stay in that special state (just on the edge of sleep) so be patient with yourself. I used to fall asleep and get distracted lots when I first started, its all part of the healing journey.

Enjoy often! (your nervous system loves the repetition of these practices)

When I started Yoga Nidra (focused on womb healing) as a daily practice, I noticed so many transformations. I was suffering from painful period cramps, I felt quite disconnected from my body, and I was trying to heal from SA and toxic ex partners.

I started to listen to the same yoga nidra audio every night and within a few nights, I felt so much more compassion for my body.

The yoga nidra began to cultivate so much self-love and kindness that I’d been avoiding. When I took the time to get quiet and connet to my sacred womb, I discovered many painful emotions and memories that had been calling out for my attention.

When I simply sat with these feelings, they were able to better release. When you avoid or resist painful feelings, it can lead to feeling blocked or stuck and I discovered I was feeling very blocked with my own body.

But the truth is, you’re never blocked because energy is always in motion. When you feel ‘blocked’ it’s your body calling out for more energetic balance. Yoga nidra helps you balance your chakras and boost compassion.

With a consistent yoga nidra practice, you’ll notice many benefits.

If any of this sounds like you, you’ll get a lot from a consistent womb healing yoga nidra practice:

  • Experiencing a womb illness (such as fibroids or cysts)

  • Experiencing trauma (such as SA or a toxic sexual partner),

  • You’re struggling with a feminine experience (such as period cramps or post-natal recovery).

I recommend exploring a daily yoga nidra practice which is focused on womb healing as a perfect starting point for your healing journey.

Bottom Line

For any women ready to explore sacred womb healing, Yoga Nidra is a powerful starting point. There’s lots of promising research on the benefits of Yoga Nidra and with consistent practice, you’ll feel it too!

Next steps:

There’s a strong link between stress and womb health. Tap below to sign-up and get my free guide to help you reduce any stress and improve your womb health and wellness. My free guide contains a nurturing yoga nidra practice which you can download and enjoy often.

Sending you big womb healing blessings,
Joss Frank | Yoga Therapist C-IAYT

joss frank wild womb

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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Before You Go! What If You Reconnected to the Power of Your Sacred Womb and Body?

With my feminine energy course, you get absolutely everything you need to embody your feminine energy and confidence. This course is broken down into a step-by-step self-paced journey, so you start womb healing and feeling more freedom in your body immediately.