How To Treat PCOS Naturally with Womb Yoga Therapy

How To Treat PCOS Naturally with Womb Yoga Therapy

OK, let’s dive into PCOS. It’s just one of many womb-related illnesses that’s not understood or treated properly by the medical system. I’m a Yoga Therapist specializing in womb health and I work with many clients in my 1-1 Yoga Therapy sessions who are seeking natural remedies to manage their PCOS… after going in circles with Doctors!

I’ve witnessed dramatic improvement in clients after incorporating a daily yogic practice for PCOS. It’s very possible!

PCOS is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. The cause of PCOS is not fully understood. If you’re experiencing amenorrhoea (no periods) or oligomenorrhea (scanty periods), PCOS is suggested as the most common cause.

Signs and Symptoms of PCOS

  • Numerous small cysts and a thickened surface layer in your ovaries

  • Increased testosterone and low estrogen

  • Excess body hair and acne

  • Fertility issues

People experiencing fertility issues are supported - by Doctors - with drugs such as Clomid which stimulates ovulation.

What I hear most often with the clients I work with is that they’re confused and frustrated with PCOS. Doctors are putting them on medication but they’re not finding relief.

Almost ALWAYS when I work with a client experiencing PCOS, I discover that they have no emotional or spiritual practice to connect with their period cycle or womb. In yogic philosophy, everything has a mind-body-spirit connection. So when looking at illness, it’s not enough to just treat your physical body. You must also treat your emotional and spiritual illness. When it comes to PCOS, the emotional and spiritual healing of your womb goes often completely ignored.

(Simple practices to access the emotional and spiritual healing include: journal tracking, moon rituals, writing letters to your womb).

Here’s How Yoga Therapy Can Treat PCOS Naturally:

Yoga Therapy offers a bio-psychosocial approach to reduce or manage the emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of PCOS. When you commit to a daily practice which positively supports the physical and emotional health of your womb, things can shift dramatically!

Here’s An Example Of Suggested Yoga Therapy Practices You Can Do At-Home To Treat PCOS Naturally:

  • Begin respectful awareness of your period cycle (if you have one) via journal tracking practices.

  • Womb Yoga to facilitate a positive relationship with your menstrual and/or womb health. This style of yoga offers a compassionate approach to helping you develop period cycle awareness and/or womb awareness.

  • Understand your inner period rhythms (AKA: seasons) and treat each phase with respect.

If you’re curious to learn more about a yoga practices - including the above practices - to treat your PCOS, please book a FREE discovery chat to learn more about my 1-1 online Yoga Therapy sessions.

Here’s How a 1-1 Yoga Therapy Session Can Help Treat PCOS:

When a client books a 1-1 Yoga Therapy session with the wellness goal to natuarlly treat PCOS, the private session could include:

  • Womb Yoga: To develop period cycle awareness, womb awareness, and a positive relationship with your womb.

  • Emotional practices: such as affirmations and journal awareness tracking to better understand each cycle day and season phase.

  • Spiritual practices: such as womb meditations and womb yoga nidra to reduce stress, balance hormones, and promote healing.

Every PCOS client is unique. When a client books their first 1-1 Yoga Therapy session, they submit an intake form which I use to research and prepare the session:


Many of the problems associated with PCOS can be managed naturally with a healthy lifestyle that nurtures you mind, body, and spirit.

I’ve witnesses so much growth from clients who open up to the emotional and spiritual aspects of healing their wombs. Every person with PCOS is unique as is your healing journey.

Here’s Your Next Steps:

Tap below to book a FREE discovery call and find out if 1-1 online Yoga Therapy is a perfect fit for treating your PCOS.

Chat soon,

joss frank wild womb
joss frank wild womb

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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