How To Feel More Sexy and Confident In Bed! Do this easy Tantra yoga & Womb healing Practice

If you’re someone who’s feeling shame, fear, or just a lack of confidence when it comes to sex with your partner, you’ve come to the right place!

The journey to more confidence (and better intimacy) in bed starts with understanding your body and feminine energy on a deeper more spiritual level. I’m Joss, a Yoga Therapist CIAYT, and I’ve got some easy but potent yoga practices to share with you. If you commit to these practices consistently (at least 4 times per week), you will build a healthier relationship with your body and get your sexual energy flowing more optimally.

Tap below to learn about feeling more open, confident, and sexy in bed! This also includes a 10-minute moving meditation practice so you can get started immediately.

“To be a sexual woman in our culture now is to be a woman who looks a certain way in order to elicit sexual desire in others. It has nothing to do with the inner arising of our own feelings and experiences.”

(― Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, Yoni Shakti )

What makes a woman more sexy and confident in bed? It comes down to these two things!

Feeling comfortable, safe, expressive, and confident in the bedroom for women comes down to these two things:

  1. Your ability to say NO and communicate your needs

  2. How connected you are to your body and inner world

If you do not have a gentle womb yoga practice or solid boundaries then chances are you're focusing on your partner more in the bedroom and not tuning in to your own pleasure.

I used to experience sex as an offering for my partner. I rarely focused on myself or expressed my needs.

Sex has an unhealthy focus on the male orgasm

Honestly, I didn’t believe my needs or orgasm even mattered for most of my life. Once I began my own healing journey and started to understand my feminine energy, things shifted. I started to understand my sexual energy and how powerful it was. I became more confident from understand my body more.

If you’re someone who’s ready to feel more confidence in bed, my YouTube will help you! I guide you through easy tantra and womb yoga practices that help you connect to your breasts and yoni (vagina) so you can get your sexual energy flowing optimally.

Whoever is reading this, you can absolutely feel more sexual confidence in the bedroom and improve your libido. It starts with prioritizing you first. Take the time to learn about your feminine energy and understanding your body more. I have a feminine energy course that will help you with all of this.

The top qualities of a woman who is sexually confident in bed:

  1. She unapologetically says NO and communicate her needs to her partner.

  2. She’s connected to her body and inner-world because she does the daily womb yoga practices that nurture her feminine anatomy and get her sexual energy flowing (see my YouTube to explore these practices).

  3. She shamelessly prioritizes her pleasure and ensures she thoroughly enjoys intimacy with her partner.

  4. She understands the power of of her sexual energy because she took the time to learn about her feminine energy (Take my feminine energy course to learn about your sexuality, feminine body, and sacred power)

Confidence does not happen overnight. Practice gratitude for where you’re at right now and trust that small steps in the right direction are all you need to do to feel more sexual confidence in bed.

A woman who’s confident in bed shamelessly prioritizes her pleasure, listens to her body’s needs, and gets assertive in her communication.

Ready to feel more sexual confidence in bed? Start here:

  1. Open your journal and note down this affirmation. Notice how it feels to say it out loud: ‘I have a sacred sexual power within me’

  2. Next, watch my YouTube and explore the easy Tantra womb yoga practices for women that help you deepen connection to your body and sexual energy.

  3. Take my feminine energy course: You get absolutely everything you need to ignite your feminine energy and confidence. The course is broken down into a step-by-step self-paced journey, so you start womb healing and feeling more freedom in your body immediately.

Joss Frank | Yoga Therapist C-IAYT

joss frank wild womb
joss frank wild womb

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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Before You Go! What If You Reconnected to the Feminine Power Within Your Body?

With my online course, you’ll get everything you need to ignite your feminine energy, let go of the past, and rediscovering your body. Tap below to learn more.