How to Start naturally healing your painful period cramps with womb meditations

Learn how to begin reducing your painful period cramps with womb meditations. This style of meditation targets the emotional and mental healing aspects of your period frustrations. This form of healing is often ignored when it comes to period health but I’ve found it to be a vital component to inviting a happier and healthier period into your life.

If you’re tired of struggling with your period each month perhaps experiencing painful cramps, mood fluctuations, bloating, heavy bleeding, and irregularity, this is for you. It might be your perfect time to focus on the emotional and mental healing when it comes to your relationship with your womb.

When I started a regular womb yoga practice, I began to feel more balanced, aligned, and peaceful with my period each month.

A lot of this had to do with self-compassion. For the first time, I was nurturing every day of my period with poses for pelvic health, breathing to connect with my womb, journal exercises to build a loving relationship with my period… it was all promoting self-compassion and kindness to a sacred space in my body and that changes your period health in a significant way.

If you’re struggling with your period and ready to explore natural remedies, I recommend starting slow and exploring some womb meditations. Notice if you could invited these meditations in daily or at least 3-4 times per week. The consistency is what makes a difference.

Here’s some next steps if you’re ready to start right now naturally healing your period pains and cramps:

  1. Watch my Youtube to learn how womb meditations offer a deeper form of womb healing necessary to ignite positive change in your period health (plus practice a gentle guided meditation with me!): Tap HERE to watch now

  2. Download my FREE pdf: Three Easy Ways To Reduce Your Period Pains Naturally: Tap HERE for the free pdf guide


And if you’re curious to explore more of the Wild Womb techniques, Get my FREE Guide with 3 self-love practices to boost confidence and feel more sensual in your body!

Thanks for watching!
Joss ❤️

joss frank wild womb natural period remedies

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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