The Surprising link between stress and Period Health Issues (pain, cramps, heavy bleeding, irregularity, and more)

If you want a healthier period, start with reducing your stress.

Stress combined with a lack of sleep can increase your cortisol production (the stress hormone) which affects how your pituitary gland works (this gland regulates your hormones). Results can include:

  • irregular or late periods,

  • heavier or more painful periods.

Stress and period health are linked. You might experience some of these symptoms if you’re menstruating and also experiencing stress:

  • Migraines,

  • Killer cramps,

  • Bloating,

  • Irregularity,

  • Heavy bleeding,

  • Mood swings,

  • Hormonal imbalance,

  • Nausea.

As stress increases, period health suffers.

An unhealthy period can make living in your own body tough. Feelings of body disconnection and frustration are common.

On average, people can menstruate for 40 years. So it makes sense you’d want to feel your most comfortable and in-tune with it instead of battling it every single month.

I remember suffering with my period so bad I wanted to remove my uterus. Every month I was dealing with nausea, heavy bleeding, major mood swings, and debilitating cramps.

The only solution I had at the time was pain pills to mask the period cramps. I even went on continuous contraception (depo provera) for years because I could not handle my bleed time. It was that painful and unhealthy.

Here’s the common theme when it comes to period health issues in western society…

Western medicine often advises patients to mask or block the menstrual cycle as a solution
(For example: birth control pills or hysterectomy). Yet this is nothing more than a practice in resistance and avoidance.

Think of your feminine energy and period cycle as receptive in nature. Resisting or blocking this beautiful flowing rhythm within you is quite literally the worst thing you could do.

A more gentle and natural approach to improving your period health is to nurture your cycle each day with holistic practices for your body, mind, and spirit.

There are easy holistic practices you can do each day which allow you to nurture your womb health and reduce stress.

Unfortunately the stress-reducing holistic practices which can improve period health are not widely known. Menstruation is still largely disrespected. For example: we all know someone who’s been extremely frustrated with a Doctor when seeking advice for period health issues or a workplace environment that’s denied sick days for period health issues.

My hope is that everyone can learn these easy holistic practices and take control of their period health.

What are the easy holistic practices that help to reduce stress and improve period health?

  • Yoga asanas for pelvic health

  • Yoga nidra to reduce stress (gentle form of hypnotherapy)

  • Womb meditations

  • Breathing techniques for your pelvic floor muscles

  • Affirmations and journal exercises for cycle awareness and tracking

Yoga and meditation that’s focused on period health is not widely practiced…

If you were to attend a general yoga class at a local studio or on Youtube, it will most likely not include any targeted practices for optimal pelvic health or any menstrual education such as cycle awareness and journal tracking. Yoga is an ancient practice that was originally designed for the male body. In fact, women were not even allowed to practice yoga. Fast forward to today and most yoga teachers are studying and teaching that same practice: for the male body.

If you’re curious to start reducing stress to improve period health, it must be yoga practices which support womb health.

Once I started these womb-focused practices, my stress reduced and my period health dramatically transformed. Period health can improve with natural methods. It just takes a consistent practice and inner-trust that you can heal yourself.

You deserve a peaceful period and to feel aligned with your feminine energy.

If you’re ready to welcome a healthier period, start here: Prioritize reducing stress because stress affects hormones:

  • High stress and a lack of sleep can change your cortisol production (stress hormone) which affects how your pituitary gland works (this gland regulates your hormones). Results can include: irregular or late periods, and heavier or more painful periods. (from: Dr. Antonio Pizarro | Self mag)

  • Stress could lead to worse PMS symptoms. Stress may actually alter ovarian hormones. (Journal of Women's Health study in 2010)

Managing stress can prevent or reduce unwanted PMS symptoms such as heavy bleeding and period pains

There are many promising studies which suggest yoga as a powerful natural method for reducing stress. Yoga practices that reduce stress combined with yoga practices for womb health is your natural way to take control of period health.

How can yoga practices for womb health improve your period?

Womb Yoga helps bring you into your cortical theta brain wave state. This is the brain wave state where cortisol production decreases (cortisol is the stress hormone). It’s also a state where the pituitary growth hormone increases, and carbs and cholesterol are metabolized.

If you’re one of the countless people who’s period is uncomfortable and painful due to migraines, cramping, bloating, irregularity, heavy bleeding, mood swings, hormonal imbalance, nausea, or more. Please trust, it can get better using these natural methods.

Prioritize an easy daily yoga and meditation practice to deepen body connection, reduce stress, and improve hormonal balance.

Next Steps:

  • Tap here to get my free guide for reducing stress and improving womb health. It contains 3 practices that help you reduce stress and avoid burnout so you can protect your period, libido, and fertility health. Learn how reducing stress will improve your womb health using womb meditation, calming breathwork, and Yoga Nidra.

  • If you’re ready to explore online private yoga therapy for period health, you’re invited to book a free 20-minute consultation and find out if it’s the perfect fit for your needs. I’m a Yoga Therapist C-IAYT (trauma-informed) and I’m here to support you.

Thanks and sending you big healing blessings,
Joss Frank | Yoga Therapist C-IAYT


Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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Before You Go! What If You Reconnected to the Power of Your Feminine Body?

When you get my online feminine energy course, you get absolutely everything you need to ignite your feminine energy and confidence. My course is broken down into a step-by-step self-paced journey, so you start womb healing and feeling more freedom in your body immediately!