Why is Vagisil shaming young women?

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    Vagisil and the modern BODY SHAMING of women

    “There is money in vaginal shame.” (Dr. Jen Gunter)

    SHAME…A common feeling for so many women. Shame for owning your sexuality, shame for your menstruation, shame for owning your voice. Shame for the natural smell and function of your Yoni or as society likes to call it…your vagina.

    Look around and you’ll see products everywhere profiting off you changing your ‘vagina’ to fit into society’s ideals of how this sacred space should look, smell, and feel: Waxing, vaginal tightening creams, labiaplasty, and intimate care products such as Vagisil.

    Vagisil has a new line of products aimed at young women. They call it a ‘Glow Up’ for your intimate area. It has fun scents like creamsicle…


    Here’s what’s painfully wrong with these products:

    • They prey on young women feeling shameful for the smell of their vulvas and propose smelling like a creamsicle or vanilla-clementine = proper care.

    • They make young women believe their intimate area needs a ‘Glow Up’

    • They equate vaginal health care with using fragrance but the opposite is true. Fragrance is bad news for optimal vaginal health and there are plenty of studies to back this.

    • They market their line as a solution to ‘Period funk’ and ‘bikini itch’. First off…what is ‘period funk’? What does that even mean? Second, ‘bikini itch’ requires the attention of a Gynecologist. A scented wash is not the answer to an itch in intimate areas.

    These products are telling women that their natural functioning body is dirty or unacceptable. This sort of toxic marketing is everywhere. Some are more obvious than others with their creepy sexist tactics…


    Now…imagine for a second if we shamed young men in a similar style (yes, I actually designed this! When you turn the tables, you really see how ridiculous it all is):


    What can you do about this?

    • Do not buy these products. Educate any young women you know that these sorts of products are not ok.

    • Follow empowering and educational leaders such as Dr. Jen Gunter who promote body positivity. (Here’s her Instagram @drjengunter)

    • Start building your awareness towards shameful or sexist messaging around you and express it! It can be super healing to simply express how it makes you feel. I’ve got a great private FB group of like-minded women where we express all the time. You’re invited to join us here >

    The shame and guilt that surrounds entering womanhood is overwhelming. From the moment women start bleeding, the feelings of shame, guilt, and fear begin.

    I was embarrassed about my blood as a young woman, how about you? And the SHAME TRAIN kept going from there. I felt shameful about expressing my sexuality, for talking about my womb, for speaking up and using my voice.

    What have you felt shameful about? (comment below!)

    I guide women to unlearn this bullshit…to release all the shame, guilt, and self-doubt so they can reconnect to their power and live their most empowered lives. Regardless of your age or background, you CAN do this right now! Sending you love and support to be aware of anything or anyone attempting to guilt or shame you…and to LOVE your body right now!

    Love, Joss ❤️


    Ready to release shame, guilt, and self doubt and step into your full feminine power? Here’s some simple next steps for you:

    • Watch my free masterclass on how to release shame and guilt so you can feel more confident and light. Sign up and watch instantly here >

    • Book a free 20 min 'Womb Discovery' chat with me. Women always leave these chats feelings uplifted and inspired. You might like to book yours here >

    • Learn more about my online course ‘Reclaim Your Feminine Womb Power’ here >

    Joss Frank - Wild Womb ❤️


    P.S: You might like to join my private Facebook group so you can feel supported and part of a like-minded community: Wild & Empowered Women

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