The Best Yoga Exercises To Reduce Stress [Lower Cortisol + Improve Pelvic Floor Health]

I’ve got three easy yoga practices to reduce stress, avoid burnout, and lower cortisol. Less stress means improved fertility, period, and libido health. Discover how targeting stress will improve your pelvic floor health using meditation, breathwork, and Yoga Nidra.

    Get three easy yoga practices to reduce stress straight to your inbox when you sign up. They’ll show you exactly how to reduce stress and improve your pelvic floor health in a way that’s easy and gentle.

    You’ll also receive my newsletter. Zero spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

    When You Reduce Stress, You Improve Reproductive + Pelvic Floor Health!

    Did you know that stress impacts your pelvic floor, cortisol levels, and pituitary gland? This can cause issues such as:

    • Endometriosis,

    • Yeast infections,

    • Period irregularity,

    • Heavy bleeding,

    • Increased period pains and cramps

    Over time, this may lead to pelvic floor disorders causing incontinence, pain, and sexual dysfunction.

    Here's three easy yoga practices to help maintain optimal pelvic floor health, decrease stress, and avoid burnout.

    Get ready to explore natural remedies to reduces stress and improve your pelvic floor health. Sign up to get all three yoga exercises sent straight to your inbox!

    wild womb joss frank

    What’s Inside?

    Three stress-reducing yoga exercises to start growing a healthy, loving connection with your body:

    reduce stress for women and womb uterus pelvic health
    reduce stress for women and womb uterus pelvic health
    1. Gentle seated womb yoga practice | video:
      A simple seated practice to reduce stress and avoid burnout using fascia exercises and root chakra connection. This video will show you how to calm your energy and connect to your body and womb. Even if you’re feeling stressed or drained in your body (when you get to the 5-min mark, you’ll feel so calm!). Discover why full cycle breathing boosts inner calm.

    2. Yoga Nidra meditation | audio file:
      Get reclined and cozy and listen to my voice as I guide you to move beyond racing thoughts and reduce the stress that prevents your optimal pelvic womb health. This is a downloadable audio so you can listen often and tune-in to your body’s needs and feelings.

    3. Positive affirmation for self-awareness and reflection:
      This affirmation will help bring awareness to your relationship with your body and allow you to be more present with your feelings.


    Joss Frank

    Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and period healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods and womb trauma after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and requires daily practices that target your feminine anatomy.

    Today, as a Yoga Therapist C-IAYT, I help people with womb and period healing so they can reclaim their feminine energy, LOVE their period cycles, and feel more confident in their body.

    joss frank wild womb

    The Best Yoga Exercises To Reduce Stress [Lower Cortisol + Improve Pelvic Floor Health]

    I’ve got three easy yoga practices to reduce stress, avoid burnout, and lower cortisol. Less stress means improved fertility, period, and libido health. Discover how targeting stress will improve your pelvic floor health using meditation, breathwork, and Yoga Nidra.

      Get three easy yoga practices to reduce stress straight to your inbox when you sign up. They’ll show you exactly how to reduce stress and improve your pelvic floor health in a way that’s easy and gentle.

      You’ll also receive my newsletter. Zero spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

      Get my FREE sensual body confidence practices and prepare to feel more pleasure alone and in the bedroom. Enter your details to get the womb yoga and tantra inspired practices straight to your inbox. (You’ll also receive my newsletter. Zero spam. Uns

      Who’s This For?

      Anyone who struggles with chronic pain, stress, burn-out, and anxiety.

      Anyone who struggles with pelvic health including: period pains, irregularity, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, yeast infections, period irregularity, heavy bleeding, and more.

      Anyone who feels stuck or blocked when it comes to enjoying more inner-peace, grounding, and calm.

      Adults who would like to reconnect with and better understand the spirituality of their body and womb.

      Anybody who wants simple yoga practices that offer a spiritual and holistic connection to your body.

      Anyone who wants to feel more gratitude for their body and build inner-trust and calm.

      joss frank wild womb

      How You’ll Feel After Exploring The Exercises?

      Reduce stress
      from knowing the best womb yoga and yoga therapy practices for women’s health.

      More love and compassion for your pelvic health from the special breathing techniques, womb meditation, fascia releases, and positive affirmations.

      Stronger connection to your womb and pelvic health with my top holistic practices designed specifically for feminine anatomy.

      *No physical womb (reproductive organs) are required to enjoy these practices. If you experienced hysterectomy or are not a CIS gender woman and curious to heal and connect to this space… these practices are still 100% beneficial.

      joss frank wild womb

      You May Have Seen Wild Womb On…

      What Women Are Saying About The Exercises:

      Countless women have explored these three simple yoga exercises and discovered how to reduce stress. How you nurture your body and feminine anatomy during stress is important. Please enjoy these easy exercises so you can feel more calm and grounded.


      You don’t have to feel confused trying to reduce stress. Start here!

      I wish someone could have just sat me down - many years ago - and explained to me how much stress can impact my pelvic floor health, period health, and confidence. I hope to be that woman for you. Enjoy!

      joss frank wild womb

      The Best Yoga Exercises To Reduce Stress [Lower Cortisol + Improve Pelvic Floor Health]

      I’ve got three easy yoga practices to reduce stress, avoid burnout, and lower cortisol. Less stress means improved fertility, period, and libido health. Discover how targeting stress will improve your pelvic floor health using meditation, breathwork, and Yoga Nidra.

        Get three easy yoga practices to reduce stress straight to your inbox when you sign up. They’ll show you exactly how to reduce stress and improve your pelvic floor health in a way that’s easy and gentle.

        You’ll also receive my newsletter. Zero spam. Unsubscribe at any time.