The natural way for women to have better orgasms and increase libido

When it comes to pleasure and sexual confidence, it’s common for women to feel blocked. Women’s sexuality has been historically guilted and shamed leaving many women feeling disconnected from their own bodies.

Some of the blocks that can leave women feeling disconnected from their sexuality are:

  • Past unhealed trauma

  • Harsh societal judgements regarding female sexuality

  • Derogatory terms such as ‘whore’ and ‘slut’

  • Matters of safety (confidently expressing one’s sexuality can feel unsafe).

It’s tough to experience mind-blowing orgasms when unhealed feelings such as guilt and shame are present.

Compassionately facing feelings of guilt and shame is the start to increasing libido and improving orgasms.

feminine energy, female orgasm, libido, sexual healing for women, divine feminine, yoga for women, womens health, healing sexuality, sexual confidence for women, womb yoga

Once there’s a sacred space created for compassion towards one’s trauma, fears and hesitations, the gateway to pleasure can finally open.

As a Yoga Therapist specializing in women’s health, the problem I see with most women is that they jump straight to trying to feel more sexual without taking time to notice the heavier feelings that are present. When I work with women in my private therapy sessions, I guide them to connect to their womb (with meditations, yoga nidra and journal exercises) so they can notice what’s present. Usually what’s revealed is non-serving thoughts, trauma, or heavy emotions that have been avoided. By showing compassion for everything you notice in your womb without judging it or trying to change it, it helps it to release.

Rediscovering Your Sexuality:

Women are gifted with the only organ dedicated purely to pleasure, the clitoris. It’s mind-blowing how controlled women’s sexuality is but anything that’s this powerful will inevitably be controlled. It’s controlled through guilt, shame, and fear. Women are meant to fear their own sexual expression. What’s left is an extremely boring patriarchal perspective of women’s sexuality. You can see this strongly in the media and porn. It’s a narrow vision of what women’s sexuality is. One that leaves most women feeling undesirable, not good enough, or uncomfortable with their own bodies.

A woman would not be gifted with this magical organ (the clitoris) if it wasn’t meant to be thoroughly enjoyed.

For a woman to envision enjoying her sexuality, often, her own non-serving thoughts absorbed from a lifetime of societal messaging can create blocks.

What’s important is to be aware of the self-limiting thoughts that come up when you think about feeling confident in your sexuality and embracing more pleasure.

Beyond those blocks is a woman who totally loves her body, embraces her sexuality, and has incredible orgasms.

The good news is this sexually empowered version of any woman is already within her. It’s just a matter of nurturing that energy in a way that is patient and compassionate.

The female orgasm is a cosmic space for intention setting and universal connection.

A woman’s sexual energy is a sacred source of power and wisdom.

The journey to fully embodying sexual power takes time, patience, and guidance. Each woman’s journey to more pleasure and incredible orgasms is different but all women can achieve this.

Bottom Line

A woman’s libido and heightened sexuality are never lost. It’s there! It just needs your awareness and compassion.

If you’re reading this and feeling ready to increase your libido and have better orgasms, start here:

  • Pop your journal open and inquire: What are you holding onto? (reflect on your heavier feelings such as shame, guilt, fear, and self-doubt). You can explore my gentle womb meditation on youtube to help you answer this question.

Remember, It’s very common to carry heavy feelings in the womb which can block a healthy relationship with one’s sexuality.

Next Steps:

If you’re ready to take your womb healing journey and radiate feminine energy and sexual confidence, get my online course. This online course is broken down into a step-by-step self-paced journey, so you start womb healing and feeling more pleasure and confidence in your body immediately.

Thanks and sending you big healing blessings,
Joss Frank | Yoga Therapist C-IAYT

Sending you lots of womb blessings,

wild womb, feminine energy, libido for women, female orgasm, sexual healing, divine feminine, womb healing, womb wellness, somatic therapy, online course for women

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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