12 Minute Yoga Nidra: Reduce Stress and Anxiety [Listen Now!]

Practice now! A 12-minute Yoga Nidra for reducing stress and anxiety…so you can feel more inner calm and body connection! (scroll down for instructions on how to best enjoy this practice).

Welcome. If you’ve never explored Yoga Nidra before, you might just fall in love with this practice! Nidra is known to provide some promising benefits including reducing stress, depression, and anxiety. It’s also a wonderful chance to listen to your body and tune-in to all it’s sensations so you can best nurture and align with your energy.

Yoga Nidra is a chance to treat yourself with kindness vs avoiding/resisting your feelings, emotions, and bodily sensations. The more you can be mindful with yourself, the more you can feel grounded and calm.

If you struggle with stress, anxiety, and/or depression… practice the above Yoga Nidra nightly (it’s all about staying consistent with this practice) and discover how Nidra offers a holistic and simple approach to reducing your anxiety and stress.

How to practice Yoga Nidra:
I highly recommend a reclined position (on a yoga mat) on your back with palms open. Use props such as pillows and blankets to ensure you’re ridiculously comfortable and supported. Use an eye pillow (or small towel over the eyes) and headphones. Nidra requires practice, so if you fall asleep easy or your mind is wandering…this is perfectly normal and it takes time (I practice Nidra every night! I used to fall asleep and get distracted lots when I started).

Here's how Yoga Nidra can help reduce stress and anxiety:

  • Release from your beta brain wave state... which is associated with tension and stress

  • Connect to your parasympathetic nervous system (the calm state)

  • Check-in with your body parts, sensations, and feelings which is helpful for healing and pain management

…And if you’re curious to explore MORE of the Wild Womb techniques, Get my FREE Guide with 3 self-love practices to boost confidence and feel more sensual in your body! (it included a downloadable Nidra)

Thanks for listening!
Joss ❤️

You can get this FREE resources for growing confidence and body-connection straight to your inbox when you sign up here 🔥

(Photo by PNW Production from Pexels)

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