20 Minute Yoga Nidra Meditation For MEN | Reconnect To Confidence and Sexual Power

If you’re someone ready to cultivate more self-confidence and ignite more sexual power, this tantra-style Yoga Nidra meditation is for you.

Enjoy this 20-minute Yoga Nidra meditation for men to reconnect to Self-confidence and sexual power. This audio will help you explore deep relaxation, greeting your body with compassion, and connecting to your sacral chakra sexual energy.

(scroll down for guidance on listening to Yoga Nidra).

Tantra Yoga-Nidra Meditation For Men

If you’re new to Yoga Nidra, you might fall in love with these tailored audios. Yoga Nidra is similar to a guided meditation but also shares similarities with hypnotherapy. It’s known to provide some promising benefits.

The Top Benefits of Yoga Nidra For Men to Boost Self-Confidence and Sexual Power:

  • Reduce stress, depression, and anxiety.

  • A chance to listen to your body and all it’s sensations (so you can best nurture and align with your inner power, masculinity, and sexual energy).

Yoga Nidra is a chance to treat yourself with kindness vs avoiding or resisting your inner feelings, emotions, and bodily sensations.

The more you can be mindful with yourself, the more you can greet ALL of your feelings (so you can allow them to FLOW vs get stuck which leads to feeling blocked, stuck, or filled with tension).

How to best enjoy this Yoga Nidra for Men?

  • I recommend a reclined position on your back (on a yoga mat) with palms open.

  • Use props such as pillows and blankets to ensure you’re comfortable and supported.

  • Use an eye pillow (or small towel over the eyes) and headphones.

  • Listen often, each night for two weeks if possible (your nervous system loves the repetition of these practices)

  • Yoga Nidra requires practice, if you fall asleep or your mind wanders, it’s perfectly normal. It might take time to stay in that special state just on the edge of sleep.

tantra kelowna vancouver meditation yoga nidra for men self-confidence sexual power

What are the benefits of Yoga Nidra for men to improve self-confidence and sexual power? It helps you:

  • Release from your beta brain wave state which is associated with tension and stress.

  • Connect to your parasympathetic nervous system (the calm state).

  • Check-in with your body parts, sensations, and feelings which is helpful for growing confidence and inner-trust.

Yoga Nidra is a perfect starting point for any men ready to cultivate for sexual power and confidence. If you’re ready for deeper guidance and support, please apply for private online Yoga Therapy. In my private sessions, I can support your unique healing and wellness goals and provide tailored Yoga Nidras to explore in-between sessions.

Thank you,
Joss Frank | Yoga Therapist C-IAYT

joss frank wild womb

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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