When you don't speak it, you store it: How to express your story

Learn more about my experience as a BIPOC (Black & Indigenous) woman in this interactive video with Hervana featuring journaling activities to release guilt and shame, meditation to build trust in your body, and how to express your inner desires! A must watch for all women ready to speak their truth and own their story.

My top tip for sharing (and owning) your story…

Write it and speak it over and over! I can’t stress this enough. Pull your story out of the darkness and into the light. Whether that is abuse, racism, trauma, sexism…When we don’t speak it, we store it! And that gets heavy. You don’t deserve to feel resistance and blocking in your beautiful body. But above all, don’t rush it. Be patient with yourself as you explore this.

Ready to explore your story more? Here’s a few ways Wild Womb can help you:

  1. Join my FREE FB community ‘Wild & Empowered Women’: Like-minded women who celebrate, support, and express together! Join us here >

  2. Sign up to the Wild Womb newsletter to receive inspirations & wisdoms straight to your inbox each week here >

  3. Book a private 1:1 Therapeutic Womb Wisdom session with Joss (online or in-person). Learn more and book a FREE 20 min chat here >

  4. Join my online course ‘Reclaim Your Feminine Power’. Learn more here >

Jai Ma Sisters!
Joss - Wild Womb


P.S: Don’t forget to join our private Facebook group ‘Wild & Empowered Women:

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