The importance of facing the darker parts of you (shadow work)

What parts of you have died? What parts have you birthed? Our ‘shadow’ is said to be the unknown dark side of our personality. It can be hard to admit some of the masks that we wear. As an example…who do you become during a painful experience or who are you in relationship? If we can’t admit to the darker parts of our personality…we can forever project these ‘parts’ of us onto relationships and situations…

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Canadian Indigenous community in solidarity with Black Lives Matter Movement

Canadian Indigenous community in solidarity with Black Lives Matter Movement. The path to a women’s EMPOWERMENT entails using her voice, supporting her sisters, and getting vulnerable. Our Indigenous sisters resonate with this racism because it’s alive and well in Canada. As a BIPOC woman (Black and Indigenous) in Canada, I have much to say…

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The modern yoga complex is full of abuse towards women. Now there's a movement to STOP it...

Eradicate the Abuse of Women in Yoga. Do you know about the Abuse of Women in Yoga? Please watch and join this crucial movement of Uma Dinsmore, ‘Yoni Shakti: The Movement’. Yes, this is a thing. I've witnessed it, I've seen it, heard it on the news. Women raped, sexually assaulted, abused...all under the guise of 'yoga'. DO you want to dismantle this? Join the FB page, make a donation, and read more here…

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LOVE YOUR BODY: Here's a few ways to fall deeply in love with your feminine body again

What is your unique relationship with your feminine body? Is it forever changed due to child birth, menstruation, or menopause? Or perhaps pelvic pain, hysterectomy, or infertility. Traumas such as sexual assault or abuse can also greatly change your relationship. There are so many reasons why each woman's relationship with her feminine body is unique. Whatever your story is, I want you to know that you CAN heal it. You CAN build it to be the most empowered relationship ever!

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Is femininity weak? Learn how to feel powerful & strong in your femininity!

Curious how to feel powerful and strong in your femininity? Let's chat about the stigma that femininity = weakness and all those derogatory terms in our culture which link femininity to ‘weak’. Plus, learn tips to show up strong in your femininity.

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