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The importance of facing the darker parts of you (shadow work)

Death of the Princess: What parts of you have died? What parts have you birthed? Carl Jung stated our ‘shadow’ is the unknown dark side of our personality. It can be hard to admit some of the masks that we wear. As an example…who do you become during a painful experience or who are you in relationship? Not facing the darker parts of our personality has consequences. We can forever project these parts of us onto relationships and situations.

We do this because…quite honestly…it’s hard to look in the mirror and face ourselves. It’s hard to admit who we become sometimes. It’s vulnerable to look into our shadow. Hence why many healers are guilty of spiritual bypassing. How does this look? They sit on a pedestal of enlightenment, yet refuse to look in the mirror at their own darkness.

Women have access to a deep river of sexual and creative expression. This river flows beneath how they show up in the mundane day-to-day life. In my online course, I ask women to dive into their shadow. When we look at our shadow, we can better clear our path to let our river flow. In shadow work, we explore parts of us we hide, and parts of us we wish to birth. It's deep work and I wouldn't suggest doing it alone. Doing this journey together with listening, supporting, and sharing makes it potent.

This drawing came out of my own personal shadow work. I never planned this drawing, I just gave my 'creative river' space to express. This illustration is inspired by the Deity Chinnamasta. She protects rapid or shocking change. She empowers our healing and grieving process. So in my drawing...the princess dies but she makes way for new parts of me: the Dreamer and the Artist. We are nothing but cycles of change as women.

Are you ready to live in alignment with the Life - Death - Life cycle? Are you ready to do your own shadow work? Get in touch!

Jai Ma Sisters!
Joss - Wild Womb

If you’re curious to explore your archetypes and shadow, here’s a few ways Wild Womb can help you:

  1. Book a private 1:1 Therapeutic Womb Wisdom session with Joss (online or in-person). Learn more and book a FREE 20 min chat here >

  2. Join my online course ‘Reclaim Your Feminine Power’. Learn more and book a FREE 20 min chat here >

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