How to Boost Sex Drive, Build Confidence, and Enhance Pleasure with Yoga

If you’re looking to increase your sex drive, build unshakeable confidence, and boost overall pleasure in your body, you’ve come to the right place!

Yoga isn’t just about flexibility or relaxation; it’s a powerful tool that can enhance every aspect of your life, including pleasure and intimacy.

In this blog, I'm sharing my top yoga exercises specifically designed to ignite your libido, strengthen your sense of self, and amplify your pleasure.

Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a complete beginner, these practices are easy to incorporate into your routine and will help you connect with your body in profound and pleasurable ways.

Ready to discover the secrets to a more vibrant and confident you? Let’s dive in!

“To be a sexual woman in our culture now is to be a woman who looks a certain way in order to elicit sexual desire in others. It has nothing to do with the inner arising of our own feelings and experiences.”

(― Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, Yoni Shakti )

What Makes a Woman Sexually Confident?

Let’s explore the qualities of the empowered woman who enjoys mindful and empowering sex.

Whoever’s reading this, you can absolutely feel more confidence in bed and a better sex drive.

It’s just a matter of understanding your body a bit more and doing the easy yoga exercises that ignite your sexual power within.

If you’re a woman ready to improve your sex life, intimacy, and libido through yoga, start here:

  • Do not fake an orgasm. The orgasm is a cosmic exchange with the universe… not to be faked.

  • Do not open your body and sacred womb temple to anyone when you’re feeling tired, restful, or inward. (For example: on your period, feeling tired, inward, etc).

  • Listens to your body and follow your cyclical rhythm.

  • Prioritize your pleasure so you thoroughly enjoys sex with a partner.

  • Be confident expressing your needs (communicate your likes and dislikes in the bedroom).

  • Take time to learn the spirituality of your sexual energy (You can learn this in my online course).

Embodying the above qualities takes time and it’s not set in stone. Sometimes you’ll follow these qualities, sometimes you won’t.

It’s a gentle cyclical experience of growing. Practice gratitude for where you’re at right now and trust that small steps in the right direction are all you need to do to feel more sexual confidence.

A woman who’s in her divine sexual power prioritizes her pleasure, she listens to her body’s needs, and she treats sex as a part of her sacred ritual…

Sex is a transmission with the creative and sexual energies of the universe (to learn about this divine feminine wisdom, take my 10-lesson course). There’s so much to discover, I couldn’t possibly share it all here but please enjoy this blog as your perfect starting point in the direction of your sexual confidence journey. The wisdom shared in the course transformed my confidence, sexual experiences, and relationships.

Ready to boost your confidence and libido? Start here:

  1. Open your journal and note down the qualities of the empowered woman - from above - and notice what you want to focus on the most.

  2. Next, watch my YouTube and explore my 10-minute guided meditation (at the 9:00 minute mark).

    The after sex meditation has a Root/Muladhara Chakra focus. It’s very earthy based to balance out the act of sex which aligns strongly with the element of water. It helps you feel grounded. It brings you back into your body where you can take time for reflection, connection to your sacred feminine anatomy, and inner-awareness.

No matter who’s reading this, you can absolutely feel sexually confident in bed. It truly starts with understanding the spirituality of your sexual energy and learning how to nurture your body every single day using easy yoga practices, affirmations, and journaling.

Thank you,
Joss | Yoga Therapist C-IAYT

joss frank wild womb
joss frank wild womb

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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Before You Go! What If You Reconnected to the Power of Your Feminine Body?

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