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Is femininity weak? Learn how to feel powerful & strong in your femininity!

Curious how to feel powerful and strong in your femininity? Let's chat about the stigma that femininity = weakness and all those derogatory terms in our culture which link femininity to ‘weak’. Plus, learn tips to show up strong in your femininity.

First, let's discuss mental beliefs that arise when I say ‘powerful and strong in femininity’

You may have some barriers and beliefs because our culture uses derogatory terms when it comes to femininity. Can you think of some? ‘Dont be a pussy’, ‘You throw like a little girl’, ‘Femininity is wearing a dress and wearing make-up’, etc.

Here’s why this stigma is simply NOT true...

  • Physically speaking, the uterus is strong!! The pressure and power of the uterus in labour is the strongest force exerted by any muscle in the body. Plus! It grows its own organ.

  • Little girls are fierce...have you met a little girl? They are wild! Let’s stop referencing little girls as the weakest link. For their size, they are wildly fierce.

  • The deep feminine represents the unknown..its the plunge into the deep dark woods. It's stepping into the unknown. Connecting to your feminine energy requires courage and surrender. It’s so far from weak.

“There’s no other organ quite like the uterus. If men had such an organ they would brag about it. So should we.”

(Ina May Gaskin, Leading American Midwife)

So that’s a few reasons why you may feel confusion over connecting to the power and strength of your femininity and a few ways how society shames femininity as ‘weak’.

So how do we express our authentic feminine energy is this controlling society? It's a life-long journey and that is why I created Wild Womb for you!

If you’re curious to explore showing up powerful and strong in your femininity, here’s a few ways Wild Womb can help you:

  1. Book a private 1:1 Therapeutic Womb Wisdom session with Joss (online or in-person). Learn more and book a FREE 20 min chat here >

  2. Join my online course ‘Reclaim Your Feminine Power’. Learn more and book a FREE 20 min chat here >

  3. Join my FREE FB community ‘Wild & Empowered Women’: Like-minded women who celebrate, support, and express together! Join us here >

  4. Sign up to the Wild Womb newsletter to receive inspirations & wisdoms straight to your inbox each week here >


P.S: Don’t forget to join our private Facebook group ‘Wild & Empowered Women:

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