what is Womb Healing? How It Can Help You let go of past trauma and Embrace Your Feminine energy

Are you struggling with releasing trauma or overcoming the past?

Maybe you’re having difficulties with libido, menstrual health, or pelvic health?

Perhaps you just want to deepen your understanding and connection with your feminine energy and experience more confidence.

If any of this rings true for you, you’ve come to the right place

What is womb healing and how can this ancient practice help you release trauma and embrace your feminine energy?

Women are conditioned from an early age to feel shame, guilt, and fear about their bodies. This is prevalent in the media, society, and even in family structures.

When it comes to feeling more confidence and embracing one’s feminine energy, an important aspect to this journey is womb healing.

Womb healing involves exploring womb-focused yoga practices that help women feel more empowered in their bodies and aligned with their feminine energy. For example: womb meditations, breathwork for the pelvic floor, inner awareness exercises, and journal tracking.

Womb healing can help you:

  • Letting go of the past,

  • Releasing non-serving beliefs (patriarchal messages from society, media, etc on women’s sexuality, menstruation, and more),

  • Understanding a yogic and tantra perspective on the spirituality of feminine energy.

In my feminine healing course, I guide women on a gentle womb healing and body empowerment journey.

Here’s an example of one of my womb healing yoga nidra practices:

Womb healing is the start to any woman’s journey to feel more confidence and freedom in their body.

As a Yoga Therapist specializing in women’s health, I hear from women all the time who desire to feel more:

  • Expressive

  • Sensual and sexy

  • Assertive

  • Strong

I too struggled with this for many years. I was fed up with trying to feel how I wanted to feel. I literally tried everything from pole dancing lessons to courses to self-help books.

But I was still feeling frustrated and confused with my confidence and body connection. I didn’t feel connected or aligned to who I was. Have you felt this?

What I discovered is that there’s a key step to the healing and empowerment journey that many women unknowingly skip: Womb Healing.

Womb healing is a gentle process of unlearning what you’ve been taught to believe about your body and experience as a woman. Womb healing starts with releasing self-limiting thoughts, self-doubt, and self-criticism.

Womb healing starts with ‘unlearning’ which is a form of shadow work that helps to release trauma.

“Shadow work is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on the “shadow self,” which is the parts of the psyche that people often keep hidden. The psychoanalyst Carl Jung first developed the concept.”
(— Medical News Today)

Yoga offers many holistic womb-focused practices which can help you with letting go and releasing what’s no longer serving you (non-serving habits, thoughts, and beliefs).

When women open up to a supportive and loving process to explore letting go of the thoughts, stories, and tensions within the womb, the emotional blocks are cleared and it becomes easy to align with feminine energy.

Ready to explore womb healing?

I recommend exploring womb healing in a way that’s very gentle and trauma-informed.

I offer this caution to you as a Yoga Therapist who’s completed trauma-informed training. I experienced many ‘healers’ who offered quite intrusive (and frightening) womb healing techniques. These practices actually re-traumatized me and did more damage than good.

For that reason, I developed a womb healing process in my online course that uses gentle womb yoga therapy and tantra inspired exercises and meditations. Overall, the womb healing journey in my online course is patient, gentle, and loving because womb healing doesn’t have to feel so scary. Anyone can do this!

Shadow work is the first step in womb healing - and it helps women feel more confident and empowered in their body.

Shadow work was the key step that finally allowed me to connect to my body on a deeper level and nurture myself to feel more confident and empowered.

Why is shadow work the first step in womb healing?

It’s very common for women to carry heavy feelings like shame, guilt, and self-doubt in the womb (the space of your reproductive and sexual organs). Often women don’t realize that they’re storing these feelings.

Society guilts women from a young age about their natural functioning feminine body. There’s so much power in taking time to release those heavy feelings of shame, guilt, and self-doubt.

For example, think about the guilt and embarrassment surrounding periods. Or the shame associated with a woman’s sexuality, aging, or menopause. Women are engrained with the feelings of shame, guilt, fear, and self-doubt. This is why womb healing is so important for all women.

It’s not possible for a woman to feel confident and empowered when she is storing feelings of shame, guilt, fear, and self-doubt in her womb.

From a yoga therapy perspective, heavy feelings such as shame, fear, and guilt can manifest as physical tensions in the body. These tensions and feelings can feel like a block. When it comes to feeling more confident and aligned with feminine energy, it starts with releasing the block.

Ready to explore womb healing? Here’s your next steps:

  • First and most importantly: Trust Yourself. All women have the power to heal their wombs and feel more confidence, freedom, and peace in their body. Yes, you can!

  • Get my free downloadable womb meditation: When you sign up to my newsletter, you get a free womb meditation straight to your inbox! Tap here to sign up.

  • Get my online feminine energy course [only $47 USD]: My online course is broken down into a step-by-step self-paced journey, so you start womb healing and feeling more freedom in your body immediately. This course is NOT time consuming, heavy, or confusing. It’s a gentle, creative, and fun journey to feel more confidence and compassion in your body.

Thanks and sending you big womb healing blessings,
Joss Frank | Yoga Therapist C-IAYT

joss frank wild womb

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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Before You Go! What If You Reconnected to the Power of Your Feminine Body?

When you get my feminine energy course, you get absolutely everything you need to ignite your feminine energy and confidence. My course is broken down into a step-by-step self-paced journey, so you start womb healing and feeling more freedom in your body immediately!