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What is feminine energy and how to radiate feminine energy?

‘Women are rhythmic, cyclical creatures existing in a very linear masculine world that does not celebrate the feminine’.

Anyone of any age can radiate feminine energy. It’s always within you. If you’re curious to understand feminine energy and tap into it, keep reading!

It’s very common to feel confused when it comes to feminine energy. If that’s you, you are not alone. The society we live in does not uplift the feminine. Just like the James Brown song says ‘this is a man’s world’. The masculine and patriarchy dominate most sectors such as the workplace and media. It’s easy in this environment to feel disconnected from one’s feminine energy.

What is feminine energy?

Feminine energy is the energy of creation. It's intuitive, creative, and compassionate. It’s within you but also all around you! It is linked to the moon, and elements of water and earth.

Feminine energy is genderless. It’s about living a life aligned with compassion and surrender. It’s the qualities of:

  • fertility,

  • creativity,

  • sexuality,

  • rhythm

  • compassion

It’s a wonderful energy to align with and can be incredibly healing for anyone struggling with anxiety, depression, pelvic health issues, or sexual dysfunctions.

Tapping into feminine energy helps you align with the qualities of surrender and acceptance vs clinging and holding on to the things that are not serving you.

If you are someone who tends to avoid or suppress feelings or feel disconnected from sexuality and pleasure… aligning with your feminine energy can help you start healing from all of this. When you align with your feminine energy, you build a loving relationship with your sexuality, menstruation, menopause, emotions, feelings, and more.

Consider that feminine energy is all around you. For example: The season changes and the moon phases. It’s a gentle rhythmic cyclical movement. This rhythmic energy is also within you.

For women, this is felt strongly with the menstrual cycle. It’s the flow of energy through the womb that takes one from fertile to releasing blood.

For those who do not menstruate, you can tap into feminine energy within the sacral chakra. Feminine energy is connected to emotions, sleep cycle, creativity, and sexuality.

Feminine energy is a major part of who you are therefore it’s never lost. It just requires daily nurturing to build a strong connection.

How to radiate feminine energy when you feel disconnected from it?

In western society, the feminine experiences - including menstruation and menopause - are largely ignored or disrespected. If you're not educated on the power of your feminine body, it’s natural to feel disconnected from it. We live in a very masculine-based society focused on goals, competition, and deadlines. Women are encouraged to suppress their natural rhythms to fit into this rigid society.

Women are rhythmic, cyclical creatures existing in a very linear world that does not celebrate the feminine.

If you’re ready to tap into your feminine energy, start slow with some gentle embodiment and meditation practices that help you build a connection to the sacred temple where feminine energy flows through: Your womb (or womb space or sacral chakra for anyone who does not have a physical womb).

Next steps if you’re ready to radiate your feminine energy:

  • Get my free guide to boost sensual confidence: This guide contains easy, fun practices you can do from the comfort of your home (for body, mind, and spirit) to tap into feminine energy. The womb yoga practices include:

    • Seated embodiment practice to connect with breasts and womb

    • Womb meditation for accessing sensuality, pleasure, and feminine energy

    • Journal exercise to boost awareness and connection to feminine energy.

  • Learn about my online course to Ignite Your Feminine Energy: This online course is broken down into a step-by-step self-paced journey, so you start womb healing and radiating your feminine energy immediately!

Thanks and sending you big healing blessings,
Joss Frank | Yoga Therapist C-IAYT

P.S: I went on the same healing journey to tap into my feminine energy and it transformed my life. Move slow and enjoy it as a gentle dance of discovery into who you are. Do not doubt yourself and trust that you can feel more confident and joyful in your body no matter who you are.

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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Before You Go! What If You Reconnected to the Power of Your Feminine Body?

When you get my online feminine energy course, you get absolutely everything you need to ignite your feminine energy and confidence. My course is broken down into a step-by-step self-paced journey, so you start womb healing and feeling more freedom in your body immediately!