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Healing after a breakup | Sacred womb healing ritual

You’ve rid yourself of a bad relationship. Maybe it was toxic or abusive. But the energy and the memories still remain. Although you’re ready to move forward and heal, you still feel their energy in your thoughts, dreams, and body.

How can you truly cleanse your body and womb after a breakup and start fresh?

You may have explored therapy sessions or self-help books but there’s an important aspect to healing your womb and body from a past lover after a breakup.

Consider sex as an energetic exchange, it’s not just a physical experience, but an exchange of one’s energy and emotions.

Women are receivers and when you receive a partners energy during sex, their energy includes the unhealed parts of them (this is known as the shadow self).

Have you ever felt drained from a partner or feeling emotions you don’t normally feel?

When you don’t have strong boundaries in place, it’s common to feel drained by the emotions and energy of others.

Think of your womb as a sacred temple. She requires consistent practice to keep her feeling healthy, light, and balanced. This is where a womb cleansing ritual comes in handy. (The womb is your sexual organs and/or reproductive organs. In sanskrit, this space is known as the yoni).

Too often women experience bad relationships yet completely ignore their womb when it comes to the healing journey and moving forward. Sex is an energetic exchange and your womb is housing that exchange. Sadly, in modern society where casual sex is promoted, the harms of exchanging energy with a toxic lover are largely ignored.

If you’re healing from a bad relationship or partner and truly ready to move forward feeling lighter and more freedom in your body, a womb cleansing ritual is your perfect starting point. From here, a consistent yoga practice with asanas to nurture your pelvic health will keep you feeling connected and balanced with your womb.

Most women don't take time to connect to their womb because we don't live in a society that uplifts the feminine or encourages young girls to love their bodies in this way.

When you invite rituals to cleanse your womb and send her love, you open a gateway to a more compassionate way of being.

I’m Joss, a Yoga Therapist C-IAYT. I help women from around the world start healing and rediscover their body with more confidence and joy.

Many years ago, when I first stumbled upon womb meditations, I was suffering from depression, anxiety, period pains, and unhealed abuse from past partners.

I tried everything to heal from these experiences from medication to therapy to self-help books. After only a few womb meditations at a yoga centre in Thailand, I noticed something dramatic. Things were surfacing for me. Memories I thought I had forgotten, feelings I didnt realize I had, and a sadness that I thought I’d moved on from.

What I discovered is that all of these sensations were living in my womb.

I didn't know they were there because I’d never connected to my womb… ever.

Sure, I’d practiced yoga for many years, but never had the teacher invited us to connect to our womb. It was like I was connecting to a part of my body for the first time ever, and she had lots to say. She was calling out for my compassion and awareness. I immediately began to explore womb meditations every day and I journaled everything that was coming up for me. My womb was feeling neglected, used, hurt, forgotten.

From here it was a rabbit hole of discovery. I began to study feminine energy and tantra spirituality, I was fascinated with the power of my womb. How had I believed for my whole life that my womb was essentially an annoyance. I’m someone who complained about my period and menopause on the daily. Now I was learning that these experiences were actually my power? It was a complete mindset shift. The mindset shift and the daily womb meditations ignited my healing. My period cramps began to ease up, I felt more freedom in my body, and my entire sacral chakra (womb and pelvic region) felt lighter.

My womb healing journey was so profound that I wrote a feminine energy course detailing the exact steps I took so all women could explore it. I became a Yoga Therapist C-IAYT so I could professionally support women with my private online yoga therapy and help them heal too.

Cleansing your womb after a bad relationship or partner is essential to your womb healing journey

If you’re ready to explore a womb ritual for cleansing, keep reading!

What's an example of a womb cleansing ritual?

This easy ritual involves active-healing yoga practices that help you emotionally, spiritually, and physically connect to your womb for healing. It’s for anyone ready to cleanse and move forward. Find a sacred, peaceful space in your home and explore the following:

Guidance: Do the below practice nightly for 1-2 weeks. Note in your journal any memories, traumas, or heavy feelings that surface. Be kind with what you notice and refrain from judging or avoiding what you notice.

  • Get a journal and write a love note to your womb: The note could be as simple as ‘I see you and I love you’ or perhaps it's an apology for exchanging energy with someone who’s not worthy of you.

  • Explore an affirmation: Note down and say out loud an affirmation such as: 'My womb is a sacred temple'

  • Listen to my womb healing yoga nidra meditation here:

If you’ve experienced a toxic partner or just a painful break-up and you’re ready to energetically cleanse your womb from the experience, a simple womb ritual is a wonderful starting point to your healing journey.

Sending loving awareness to your womb is enough to shift things and get energy flowing. My ritual offers yoga therapy practices that help you feel more balanced and get your energy flowing optimally.

With any womb healing journey, it's important to explore all aspects of your being: emotions, thoughts, spirituality, and the physical body.

The above womb cleansing ritual offers ways to connect to all aspects of you.

You're never alone in your healing journey. I don’t recommend exploring womb healing alone. Community and guidance are vital aspects to any healing journey.

If you’re serious about your healing and ready for support, you’re invited to apply now for online private yoga therapy and get a free 20-minute consultation.

Thanks and sending you big womb healing blessings,
Joss Frank | Yoga Therapist C-IAYT

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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