How Private Yoga Therapy Sessions can reduce anxiety & depression | The natural way to healing

Are you experiencing anxiety and depression? Come discover the research backed benefits of Yoga Therapy for reducing anxiety and depression. Plus, explore a quick seated practice so you can explore the exact holistic practices that will reduce your anxiety and depression right now.

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Is yoga culture toxic? A look at the dark side: Spiritual bypassing, Toxic positivity, racial micro-aggressions | From a former yoga teacher

My experience as a woman of color teaching yoga. The wellness industry is worth $4.5 trillion! The dangerous side of yoga includes toxic positivity, spiritual bypassing, fat shaming, racial micro aggressions, and cultural appropriation.

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How to Overcome tough emotions with self-compassion | reduce cortisol levels, release opiates/oxytocin

What is self-compassion? If you struggle with facing tough emotions or find you’re quite harsh on yourself, watch this to discover how self-compassion offers a peaceful, healthy approach to being with your feelings…so they can better release.

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