The link between disrespect for women and disrespect for the planet

The link between disrespect for women and disrespect for the planet. Studies suggeset an overwhelming link between climate break-down and increasing violence against women. Massive thanks to the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for what is said to be the BIGGEST study ever on this issue. This is 2 years and over 1000 sources of research. [Learn More…]

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Your period is a fifth vital sign | Doctors agree

Did you know that menstruation is a 5th vital sign? After discovering how ill-informed pregnant women were on basic reproductive health knowledge, Kelsey Knight and Emily Varnam created a course (The 5th Vital Sign) and went on a mission across the US to educate women on pregnancy, birth, and menstruation.

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Was Yoga created by women? | Vicki Noble and the 'Blood Roots of Yoga'

** You won’t find this research in your shiny copy of the latest Yoga Journal ** Meet Vicki Noble & her research into the 'Blood Roots of Yoga'. You won't find this research in your latest shiny copy of Yoga Journal. Let's talk about a yoga for the modern woman that honours and acknowledges her feminine experiences!

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