Release Shame, Fear, and Guilt So You Can Rediscover Your Body and Awaken Your Feminine Energy!

I’m so happy you’ve found this page! You don’t have to explore any of this alone. I’m here to help you get started with healing and feeling your most confident and empowered in your body.

joss frank wild womb

Hi, I’m Joss!

Here’s a bit about the course to inspire you. If you’re ready to feel more freedom in your body, focus on your pleasure during intimacy, and experience a healthier connection to your body and emotions - you’ve come to the right place!

For the past 5 years, I’ve been empowering people to let go of what’s not serving them (shame, guilt, fear), understand the spirituality and power of their sexuality, and embrace more body confidence.

For years I struggled with everything from sexual assault trauma, killer period cramps, toxic relationships, depression, and more. I didn’t love myself or understand anything about my body (and I know so many others have similar struggles).

If you’re reading this, perhaps you’re ready to feel more in-tune and connected to your body? (For example: understand your cycle so you can finally have a peaceful period (without the killer cramps and mood swings) or feel more confident in your body during intimacy with a partner.

I’m here to lovingly guide you step-by-step through your unique healing journey straight into listening, understanding, and loving your body.

Here’s The Full Scoop:

The gentle discovery journey you explore in my self-paced online course Ignite Your Feminine Power works. It’s worked for so many incredible women of all ages from around the world.

It works because it allows you to take action (with self-healing practices and exercises) to better understand who you are and nurture your inner world as a daily practice easy enough for anyone to start.

The Course Shows You the Exact Holistic Practices and Exercises to:

  • Be Your Own Healer: Learn how to be present with ALL of your feelings. Release the resistance and avoidance and practice letting go of the heavier feelings that act as blocks (like shame, guilt and fear).

  • Improve Your Pelvic and Womb Health: As you age, after pregnancy, and more… this is really important! Pelvic floor dysfunction, incontinence, and more are common challenges. The pelvic yoga practices in this course support your optimal pelvic health physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

  • Align With Your Feminine Cyclical Energy: Learn how to work WITH your body instead of against it. This is for all ages and not just for those who menstruate. Learn how to honor your inner feminine rhythm which includes days to go inward and rest, and days to be more expressive and outward.

Once you understand your body in this way and know how to listen to your body as a daily practice…you’ll feel more freedom and peace.

If you’re tired of feeling self-doubt, guilt, or fear when it comes to expressing how you feel or what you need… this course shows you exactly how to be that empowered, confident person that’s already within you!

What’s In The Course?

10 Transformational Audio Lessons:

  • Audio Lesson #1: Discovering all the versions of you that got you to this point (personality archetypes).

  • Audio Lesson #2: Releasing the inner-voice that holds you back (inner patriarchy).

  • Audio Lesson #3: Release resistance to your feelings and practicing self-acceptance.

  • Audio Lesson #4: Acknowledging and loving your wounded, sad parts (spiritual shadow-work).

  • Audio Lesson #5: Honoring the spirituality of your sacred feminine body (orgasm, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause).

  • Audio Lesson #6: Tantric Spirituality: The ten Wisdom Goddesses (Mahavidyas) for body connection and womb wellness.

  • Audio Lesson #7: The wisdom within your sacred feminine anatomy that guides you through each phase of your life.

  • Audio Lesson #8: Owning your voice, boundaries, and intuition.

  • Audio Lesson #9: How to cultivate sexual passion within you using womb yoga, breast meditations, and more.

  • Audio Lesson #10: Creating a self-love promise and rooting into your womb power.

Plus! You Also Receive:

  • Each audio lesson has accompanying embodiment exercises for your body, mind, and spirit such as: Creative art practices, downloadable womb yoga nidra meditations, affirmations, and rhythmic womb yoga classes to help you FEEL each lesson with you body.

  • Six LIVE Bi-monthly Moon Gatherings: on Zoom with your course community and Joss (every new and full moon).

  • Two Bonus Pre-recorded Workshops:

    • Transform Your Menstrual Health Workshop: Learn exactly how to track and nurture every day of your cycle. So you can reduce killer cramps, heal your womb, and embrace the power of your cycle. You’ll celebrate your period after this!

    • Discover Your Yoni Bandhas Workshop: Bandhas are a more powerful and spiritual version of Kegals! This practice combines pelvic muscle connection with breath-work. It can improve pleasure, womb health, and more.

joss frank wild womb

How This Course Differs From Other Feminine Empowerment Courses?

  • It uses Your BODY to Actively Heal: Instead of just watching a video and taking notes… you’re invited to express your feelings through moving your body, explore guided meditations to deepen self-awareness, practice womb yoga videos to open your body up, meet with us in the LIVE zooms for body connection, and more.

  • Trustworthy and Supported: I’m an 800 hour Yoga Therapist (in my practicum) and I’ve completed trauma-informed training (vital in a time where everyone’s calling themselves a ‘coach’). You can reach out to me anytime, join my LIVE gatherings, or even deepen your course experience with 1-1 sessions. You’ll never feel alone in this course.

  • The course community is incredible: I learned the hard way that it’s not enough to simply gather with others. They must be like-minded and uplifting.

joss frank wild womb

How You’ll Feel After The Course:

  • In-tune with what your body needs

  • Trusting your intuition

  • Connected to your femininity

  • Understanding the importance of like-minded community

  • More confidence, trust, and self-understanding

  • Release of the negative self-talk, guilt, and shame that BLOCKS you feeling your best

  • Focused on your needs, desire, and feelings (instead of constantly tending to others)

  • Healthier period and pelvic health

  • Awareness to meaningful relationships that feel safe and loving for you

joss frank wild womb

Invest In You: $597 CDN total

Or start for less with the payment plan: 4 payments of $157 CDN

joss frank wild womb

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