Reclaim Your Feminine Power - WEEK 5

Welcome to week 5!

Congrats to you! You’re in week 5. You’ve officially in module 2 - Rediscover Your Body.

What is SHAKTI energy? A personification of divine feminine power on the earthly plane, all forms of Shakti are most tangibly manifested in females, creativity, and fertility.

'It all starts with…TRUSTING YOUR INTUITION. Without awareness & respect of your intuition, your feminine powers are nothing'

What are your feminine powers? Your feminine experiences…all of them!! (menarche, menstruation, child birth, orgasm, menopause). Your Female Powers are also called Female ‘Siddhis’ in Sanskrit. Siddhis are known as super natural powers. Women just naturally have siddhis…isn’t that great? You access connection with the power of life..that is your super power.

This workbook contains all your weekly self-love inquiries and practices to keep you moving forward! Bookmark it so you can easily access it. We will use one workbook for this entire course, so this workbook will grow bigger each week!



Need guidance or support? You are not alone in this journey. Reach out to me, I’ve got your back.

Joss ❤️