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The best way to get rid of vaginal yeast infections | with lifestyle change and womb healing

If you’re someone experiencing yeast infection (thrush, candida), I’m so sorry for your challenges. Loads of people experience yeast infections and sadly there’s lots of guilt and shame surrounding it. A yeast infection is a physical experience but it also impacts one’s spiritual and emotional wellness.

“A vaginal yeast infection is a fungal infection that causes irritation, discharge and intense itchiness of the vagina and the vulva…Also called vaginal candidiasis, vaginal yeast infection affects up to 3 out of 4 women at some point in their lifetimes. Many women experience at least two episodes.” (— mayoclinic)

Yeast Infections are physically painful and uncomfortable but they also inflict emotional discomforts such as frustration, shame, and guilt.

Heavy feelings such as shame, fear, and guilt are completely understandable for anyone experiencing yeast infection. When it comes to any healing journey, the emotional and mental aspects must also be addressed just as much as the physical aspects are addressed (for example: using creams, pills, etc).

Consider how vaginal candidiasis can impact confidence, libido, and body connection.

If you’re someone who’s experiencing reoccurring yeast infections, it can be quite transformational to also heal the emotional impacts of this infection. Typically feelings of shame, guilt, and fear will be present but these heavy feelings often go ignored or repressed.

What is the spiritual meaning of a yeast infection?

From a Yoga Therapist perspective,
healing only your physical experience over and over is not whole healing and that’s why it keeps coming back. Whole healing means treating the WHOLE person: mind, body, and spirit. This is called a bio-psychosocial approach.

Western medicine compartmentalizes the healing experience. When you go to the Doctor for help with a yeast infection. They’re not going to ask you emotionally or spiritually what’s happening in your world. Or how this infection is making you feel. Yet I find these inquiries to be so vital to the healing process. The physical, spiritual, and emotional experience is so intertwined. Yeast infection impacts your root and sacral chakra: emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Feelings of guilt and shame are commonly reported by people experiencing yeast infection yet there’s often no therapeutic support to facilitate greeting and releasing these heavy feelings from your root and sacral chakra.

In healing a yeast infection, you must include healing the emotional and spiritual experience. I’m a Yoga Therapist C-IAYT and I specialize in women’s health. In my private online yoga therapy sessions, I help clients who are frustrated with yeast infections, tired of Doctors, and ready to explore womb healing and somatic methods so they can feel more connected and healthy in their womb.

What is private Yoga Therapy for treating yeast infections (thrush)?

Yoga Therapy is body-centred therapy. It’s a somatic approach addressing the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of healing. (This is called a bio-psychosocial spiritual model). These private sessions offer a space to be seen and heard along with using the evidence-based tools of yoga (such as breathwork, womb meditations, nervous system regulation techniques) to help you with yeast infections.

Private Online Yoga Therapy for Treating Candida Includes:

  • Gentle yoga asanas for optimal pelvic health,

  • Reasearch-backed breathwork practices for stress reduction,

  • Inquiries to support emotionally processing heavy feelings associated with yeast infection (thrush),

  • Tailored guided womb meditations for womb healing. balancing your chakras, and boosting self-compassion.

If you’re ready to explore womb healing and diving into the root cause of your yeast infections, start here: Start building a healthy relationship with your womb. This is simple and could include a small daily practice of womb meditations, journaling, and yoga asanas for pelvic health.

What I discovered when I began a daily wellness program for my womb health is that all of my previous challenges released. I stopped getting painful period cramps, yeast infections, and sexual dysfunctions once I committed to my daily practice for womb health. The womb holds memories, tensions, and beliefs… all of which can impact your womb health. When you commit to a daily practice to send loving awareness to your womb, the energy is this space shifts.

Next steps for healing a yeast infection using natural remedies:

  1. Book a free 20-minute consultation for online private yoga therapy and get support in healing your yeast infection: Book a FREE consultation with Joss!

  2. Stay connected! Sign-up to my self-care newsletter: You’ll get a free audio meditation for womb healing when you sign up plus all the latest on womb healing wisdoms: Sign-up now!

I know this is tough but you’re never alone and you can get empowered with your healing. Sending you big womb blessings.

Joss | Yoga Therapist C-IAYT

Please enjoy the above information to be used in conjunction with the guidance of your Doctor.

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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