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The natural way to HEAL period pain forever with womb healing

If you’re reading this, perhaps you’re struggling with your period in some way: pain, irregularity, heavy bleeding, migraines, hormonal fluctuations, or nausea?

There's so many challenges and illnesses that pair up with menstruation time. People can menstruate for up to 40 years. And if you’re someone who menstruates, do you really want to suffer almost every single month for up to 40 years?

Here's the issue when it comes to depending on Doctors for relief of your period challenges: Let’s say you're ready to heal your period because you’re suffering in some way (perhaps period cramps, irregularity, or heavy bleeding). So, you go to the Doctor, but you leave feeling disappointed because the Doctor doesn’t solve your issue, they just give a ‘band-aid’ solution (such as prescribing some pain medicine or putting you on birth control to block your cycle completely).

In Western medicine, healing is compartmentalized therefore Doctors will focus on your physical issues but not on how your physical menstruation issues are also affecting you emotionally and spiritually.

Doctors don’t respect the feminine experience of menstruation.
I’ve never had a Doctor offer me much support beyond suggesting I either block my cycle or mask my pain via: pain pills, contraceptives. And it’s common for Doctors to suggest you just have a hysterectomy to solve your period health issues. But, these solutions are just masking a big health problem instead of getting to the root of the issue and actually solving it.

Instead of jumping to blocking or masking your physical period health issues, focus on also healing the emotional and spiritual relationship you have with your womb

Here’s an example of healing your emotional relationship with your womb:
Could you reflect on the first time you started bleeding, was it scary or embarrassing or a joyful experience? Or, maybe there was a time when a partner shamed your blood or mocked your period in some way. Reflect on the moments in your life with your period where you’ve felt shame, guilt, or fear.

Those moments where you’ve feel shame, guilt, or fear about your period overtime can contribute to an unhealthy relationship with your womb. And your feelings and thoughts towards your womb make a huge difference to the health of your womb.

If you believe in the mind-body-soul connection of yoga philosophy, then you could consider how negative thoughts and feelings about your period can manifest in your womb and contribute to physical womb health issues such as period cramp pains, irregularity, heavy bleeding, PCOS, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, and more.

The positive side to this is that it’s very possible for you to connect to your womb and change this relationship at any age and no matter what you’re dealing with health-wise. With a daily gentle practice to target optimal womb health, you can begin to tap into your womb and improve your period health, libido, and joy.

I’ve done this myself (committed to a daily practice). I was someone who suffered with debilitating period cramps, major mood fluctuations, and irregularity. I ditched the pill and the pain pills, and I used the natural healing remedies of Yoga Therapy. And now I have incredibly peaceful and easeful periods. I love everyday of my cycle and I feel very empowered in my body.

As a Yoga Therapist specializing in womb health, I help women of all ages and body types with my private online Yoga Therapy Healing sessions to achieve these same goals with incredible results.

Here’s how Yoga Therapy Healing sessions could support you in having a healthier period:

  • All Yoga Therapy Healing sessions start with completing a form which helps me better understand your challenges and goals. Once I receive your form with your wellness goal (For example: Reduce period cramps, manage fibroids, Balance an irregular period, reduce PMS symptoms, and more), I can prepare your first session (known as the intake session).

  • The intake session involves a series of questions (based on the form you completed) to better understand how long you’ve had your health challenge and how it’s been affecting you emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

  • After your intake session, all sessions are body and feeling focused and could include practices such as: breathing techniques, nervous system regulation techniques, gentle yoga asanas for optimal pelvic health, womb meditations, womb yoga nidra, and more.

If you’re reading this and curious to reflect on your emotional and spiritual relationship with your womb, start with this question:

What are your feelings and thoughts about your period? Dump it all out in your journal, your feelings, thoughts, and even those of others that you’ve heard. For example: ‘My blood is gross’, or ‘women are crazy when they bleed’, etc. When I first explored these journal questions, I realized that I was holding many unhealthy thoughts about my period! I wasn’t practicing any kindness or compassion towards my womb.

When you take the time to shine a light on your thoughts, some icky stuff might come up. Journal as long as you need. Take your whole week to explore this. You might realize you’re disconnected from your womb or that you don’t think about your womb at all.

It’s common to try to rush through the healing process but there's no shortcut to healing.

Womb healing takes patience, respect, and kindness towards your journey.

So, take your time if you do explore the above questions and release any judgement towards your answers.

You might like to also explore this question: What’s your relationship with your womb right now?

Would you say something like: ‘We're so close! I send love to her everyday’ or would you say: ‘Relationship with my womb…what does that mean?’

These gentle questions could be the start of your emotional and spiritual healing journey with your womb. This process to embracing a healthier period starts with releasing the negative perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts when it comes to your period. From here, you can begin to start a more loving relationship with your womb and period. These things can improve at any age no matter how challenging your issue is.

Trust that you can be empowered with your self-care and improve your period health even if its feeling painful or frustrating.

Thoughts have the power to manifest your future, and that includes your womb and period health. If this blog inspires you to take charge of your period health, you might like to explore these affirmations as a new positive mindset belief:
(If these affirmation don’t feel right to say just yet…that's very normal. Create your own that feels more neutral and believable for you in this moment)

My period is a power that I respect and nurture.

If you’re ready to connect with your feminine energy and womb, here’s your next steps:

Sending you lots of womb blessings,

Read my next BLOG: The harmful ingredients in tampons and pads

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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