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Top reasons why I chose to ditch birth control šŸ©ø

I used to use (and LOVE) birth control. In fact, I used to take the Depo shot for yearsā€¦I didnā€™t menstruate at all. I truly believed I was ā€˜winningā€™ at life because I never had to deal with bleeding! However, what I soon came to realize was that I was feeling very disconnected and disempoweredā€¦and it was not a coincidence. Iā€™d like to share with you a little bit about what I mean by that.

Letā€™s start with the spiritual significance of your menstrual blood. Women have an intuitive and heightened state of consciousness within their natural cycles and rhythms. The major mind-set shift for all women to take is to recognize their blood as a POWER instead of an annoyance.

If embracing your blood as a power feels silly. Keep in mind that studies suggest there was a time (before patriarchy of course) around 5th Century BCE where the peaceful worship of Earthā€™s rhythms and the fertility of women was a big deal.

In fact, artifacts from the Indus Valley Civilization suggest a very female-centred lifestyle focused on great honour of Earth and Womenā€™s rhythms*.

A womanā€™s blood and fertility was a divine energy of fertility, growth, and creativity and certainly not something to block and resist with birth control.

Since that long-ago time, weā€™ve had years of patriarchy with a focus on ways to hide and block menstrual blood vs ways to embrace and honour it. Therefore, shifting into embracing your blood as a power could require a lot of ā€˜unlearningā€™.

Do you sense you have a lot of ā€˜un-learningā€™ to do before you can truly embrace your blood as a gift and a power to tap into?

Letā€™s get into what happens when you come off of birth control. Straight up, I didn't truly know myself as a woman until I stopped birth control and took deep introspective time to explore my cycle days, patterns, and sexual rhythms. I never knew that I could track my cycle (not using the period apps! But a special journal process) and discover SO much about my rhythm of power, creativity, and sexuality.

Iā€™m continually fascinated by my monthly cycle. I also love that I can look up at the moon each month and anticipate my cycle day. I am deeply connected to the universe and it gives me a great sense of empowerment.

I also discovered some fascinating research on birth control from Dr Sarah E Hill:
(This study is based on heterosexual relationships, Iā€™ve not found any other types of studies but I will include them ASAP as soon as theyā€™re released)

ā€œOn birth control, you are no longer producing oestrogen, this hormone does some of our fav things like making us feel sexier and more energetic! This hormone also nudges a womenā€™s preferences regarding romantic partners...to favour qualities that are associated with masculinity and higher testosterone (square-cut jaws, broad shoulders and brow ridges, etc). Research suggests pill-taking women ā€“ in their state of artificial progesterone dominance and lacking a cyclical oestrogen urge ā€“ seem to prefer the faces of men who are less masculineā€¦ā€ **
[Click here to read the whole article from Dr Sarah E Hill]

Since saying BYE to birth control, hereā€™s where Iā€™ve found clarity and connection:

  • I know the qualities that I truly desire in a partner

  • I know my optimal time to rest and be inward vs when its time to be expressive and outward

  • I know the exact days where these energy states are heightened: power and voice, sexual, and creative.

On birth control, I didnā€™t have this clarity or connection. I felt blocked from my own power.

* Thank you to Uma Tuli Dinsmore for her blessed insights on this topic.

** Thanks to Zoe Corbyn for this insightful article. If this topic intrigues you, check out the book 'How the Pill Changes Everything: Your Brain on Birth Control'ā 

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