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How to manifest your dream life by stepping into your feminine energy

Women are deeply connected to source meaning they have the natural ability to manifest everything in their life from relationships to projects to literal life! The challenge many women face - however - is feeling connected to source.

I hear often from women that they feel disconnected from their bodies and from life.

This can feel frustrating when you want to feel alive and share your energy with the world but instead you might feel disconnected, stuck, or blocked.

How can you create the life you want? How can you feel how you want to feel when you’re in a state of feeling stuck, blocked, or disconnected.

As a Yoga Therapist C-IAYT, I help women through these hurdles all the time… and I journey through it too. There’s a difference between knowing what you want to manifest in your life and actually doing the work to create the life you want.

If you’re ready to become your dream woman and share your magic energy with the world, it starts here:

First, trust that you have the power within you to birth anything you want because you have feminine energy flowing through your sacred womb.

Feminine energy is the energy of creation. You already have this. But believing in your power isn’t always easy. In fact, not believing we can change is the thought that usually blocks us from growth.

I used to really struggle with this. I had my vision. I could see perfectly how I wanted to feel. She was so beautiful, alive, and vibrant. But how to become my dream woman? How to manifest all the beautiful visions that I had for myself? I soon discovered that I had to start with unlearning and releasing the heavy stuff if I truly wanted to step into my feminine power and manifest my visions.

Ready to manifest everything you want in your life?

Artwork: @spiritdaughter

Start with unlearning all of the ways society has taught you to block, resist, and ignore your feminine energy because feminine energy is the power of manifestation. How can you manifest if you’re not connected to feminine energy? It’s impossible.

I offer a gentle shadow-work process that helps women go through this important healing journey of releasing in my online course.

If you’ve not heard of shadow work, there are many different ways of exploring it…

When I first discovered shadow work, I found it to be quite intrusive and scary. For this reason, I created a gentle shadow-work process that’s trauma-informed and patient. It involves a variety of exercises for your mind, body, and spirit that help you shine awareness on non-serving belief patterns so you can release the one’s that keep you in a state of feeling stuck, blocked, or disconnected. My shadow work practices included journal exercises, breathing techniques, guided meditations, and art all to help you dive into the magic of you.

Once you journey through shadow work, you can step into your feminine energy and focus on manifesting your visions.

How do you step into feminine energy? You’re not alone if you’re confused on what steps to take to align with feminine energy. This process can actually be quite easy. I suggest starting small. Think of this as introducing a new positive habit into your daily routine.

I recommend exploring a daily womb meditation for a few minutes a day.

A daily womb meditation is a perfect starting point to get feminine energy within you activated.

When you sign-up to my newsletter, you get a free guided meditation for aligning with feminine energy.

When you follow this process of releasing (shadow work) followed by new daily habits to align with feminine energy, it opens the gateways for:

  • More creativity (in your expression, relationships, communication, and work).

  • Increased confidence and self-acceptance.

  • TRUST in the power and wisdom of your body.

Your womb is the source. This is your sacral chakra, the space of creativity, fertility, and emotions.

When you align with your sacred womb, you align with the creative energies of the universe.

You will feel yourself as a natural creator. You will trust your power to manifest exactly what you desire in life.

If you could wave a magic wand right now and show up in this world exactly as you desire...how would you show up? Get curious and then begin this process to achieve it.

Bottom Line

Manifesting starts with aligning with feminine energy (which is flowing through you and all around you). It’s a vibrant fertile energy that anyone can tap into. If you’re serious about manifesting your visions and becoming the woman of your dreams, start with shadow work and take your time with it. It’s a gentle process deserving of compassion and patience.

It’s important to acknowledge any fears, doubts, and guilt within you that can act as a block in-between you and your dreams.

Next is to invite easy practices into your daily routine that help you align with feminine energy and connect to your body. If you want guidance with this, learn more about my online course to ignite your feminine energy.

Next Steps:

Learn more about the online course to Ignite Your Feminine Energy: 10 transformational audio lessons that gently guide you to ignite your feminine energy and confidence.... And it’s all broken down into a step-by-step self-paced journey, so you can dive into shadow work, womb healing, and feeling more aligned with your feminine energy immediately.

Chat soon!

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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Before You Go! What If You Reconnected to the Power of Your Feminine Body?

When you get my feminine energy course, you get absolutely everything you need to ignite your feminine energy and confidence. My course is broken down into a step-by-step self-paced journey, so you start womb healing and feeling more freedom in your body immediately!