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How can you reduce menstruation pain and challenges naturally?

Are you suffering and frustrated with your menstruation?

I know how you feel...

Years ago, I used to hate my bleed. The pain was unbearable. I would pop Tylenol 3’s like candy. I even went on daily birth control for 4 years to suppress bleeding.

I was at war with my own body. And Doctors did not get it.

Oh, and can we talk about the horror stories? Do you remember the 1st time you inserted a tampon? Or bleeding through your pants at school? Or how about the surprise bleed during sex as a teen?

Why has menstruation always been this hush hush experience? Did you know the 1st commercial to use RED blood did not air until 2017?

And on that note, the medical system does not support menstruation. I'm sure most of us can tell a gyno horror story.

Did you know that Dr's in Canada suggest (and give) hysterectomies to cure menstrual pain? Women who were NEVER offered alternative solutions or given a chance to heal.

Why do so many women suffer with their menstruation?

We suffer because menstruation carries guilt and shame. The media, society, and family (sometimes) taught us guilt and shame when it comes to menstruation.

As a Therapeutic Yoga Teacher, I use a bio-psychosocial approach meaning healing MUST happen to all your layers. And girl, you are not only a physical body. You have energetic and emotional layers. They need healing too. You are not only suffering physical pain with your bleed time. There is emotional pain here too driving the whole frustrating experience.

If you’re curious to explore healing your menstruation, here’s a few ways Wild Womb can help you:

  1. Book a private 1:1 Therapeutic Womb Wisdom session with Joss (online or in-person). Learn more and book a FREE 20 min chat.

  2. Join my online course ‘Reclaim Your Feminine Power’. Learn more and book a FREE 20 min chat.

  3. Join my FREE FB community ‘Wild & Empowered Women’: Like-minded women who celebrate, support, and express together!

  4. Sign up to the Wild Womb newsletter to receive inspirations & wisdoms straight to your inbox each week.

There’s incredible spiritual depth to your experience as a woman! I’m here to support you on your journey.

Jai Ma Sisters!
Joss - Wild Womb


P.S: Don’t forget to join our private Facebook group ‘Wild & Empowered Women:

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