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Reclaim Your Feminine Power - WEEK 7

Welcome to week 7!

Congrats to you! You’re in week 7 and just completed module 2 - Rediscover Your Body.

‘The only constant is change. Your menstrual cycles are trying to teach you this over and over. Accept and embrace this to live in more freedom.’

‘As you bring conscious awareness to your encounter with your siddhis…invite your chosen Wisdom Goddesses (Mahavidyas) into your life for protection and spiritual re-empowerment’

As you slowly explore the Deities of your feminine experiences (AKA: The Mahavidyas or ‘Wisdom Goddesses) remember that the Goddesses are NOT external. They are qualities and experiences within you. You can tap into this power.

This workbook contains all your weekly self-love inquiries and practices to keep you moving forward! Bookmark it so you can easily access it. We will use one workbook for this entire course, so this workbook will grow bigger each week!



Need guidance or support? You are not alone in this journey. Reach out to me, I’ve got your back.

Joss ❤️