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Reclaim Your Feminine Power - WEEK 6

Welcome to week 6!

Congrats to you! You’re in week 6 of module 2 - Rediscover Your Body.

‘Each encounter with a Siddhi can deepen intuitive wisdom & understanding of all your phases’

'You’re naturally given an embodied understanding of the great powers of cyclical change and growth. The same change and growth echoed in the moon phases, tides, seasons..is encoded in your brilliant body!

Suppression = health problems. You’re a rhythmic, cyclical being. Stop neglecting your cyclical wisdom. You’re in a constant flow...your menstruation (practice your power) is trying to teach you about this.

This workbook contains all your weekly self-love inquiries and practices to keep you moving forward! Bookmark it so you can easily access it. We will use one workbook for this entire course, so this workbook will grow bigger each week!



Need guidance or support? You are not alone in this journey. Reach out to me, I’ve got your back.

Joss ❤️