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Say BYE to period pains: Switch to Safer Alternatives and Avoid Toxic Tampons!

If you’re someone who’s struggling with period cramps, irregularity, or heavy bleeding.

Or perhaps a more serious concern such as PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, or cysts.

and for anyone still using tampons, pads, or cups… you’ve come to the right place!

Hey there, I'm Joss, a Yoga Therapist specializing in uterus health. Today, I want to shed light on something important: The harmful ingredients lurking in tampons and pads.

It's disheartening to realize how these products can affect our bodies, but fear not! I'm here to guide you through it all and offer natural remedies for menstrual cramp relief.

Your well-being matters, inside and out. That's why it's crucial to make informed choices about what goes into your body, especially in such a sensitive area.

Let's dive into the harmful ingredients first, then we'll discuss how to make better choices and embrace holistic self-care for a healthier period cycle.

What are the toxic ingredients in tampons?

‘The amount of dioxin in tampons is low today in comparison to when manufacturers used different bleaching methods…But it’s still present, and its effect is cumulative’.

(- Philip Tiarno | professor of microbiology and pathology at New York University)

So while the dioxin is lower, it's STILL present, and it's cumulative. So even though there’s a small amount in your tampons, a lifetime of tampon use could theoretically increase your risk for disease. 

Every month, millions of American women rely on tampons, yet there's surprisingly little scientific research into their manufacturing or enhancement.

Here's the kicker: tampons are considered medical devices by the FDA, which means there's no requirement to label their ingredients.

This lack of transparency poses a challenge for those wanting to avoid allergens or chemicals, especially those linked to health issues like cancer. Without access to ingredient lists, consumers are left in the dark.

Let's take a closer look at these elusive chemicals.

Women's Voices Organization commissioned an analysis of compounds found in different tampons that they went out and purchased in New York stores. Keep in mind that when they went out and bought ALL the products – they got organic, they got mainstream, they went to the dollar store. They went anywhere and everywhere and here's what they found:

Carbon disulfide was detected in the four tampon brands that had rayon in them. This is a known reproductive toxin that's used in the making of rayon. 

It hurts my womb to think about this. It wasn't detected in the all cotton tampons, but that doesn't necessarily mean that there aren’t concerning ingredients in those ones as well. 

They also discovered in the analysis the reproductive toxin toluene. Exposure to toluene is harmful and can lead to several health issues such as nausea, dizziness, skin problems, difficulty in breathing, burning sensation in the eyes and nervous system damage) and xylene (Prolonged or repeated contact can cause a skin rash, dryness and redness). 

If you can't pronounce the name of this stuff, do you want it in your body?

They also found the carcinogen methylene chloride – most commonly found in commercial paint strippers. Exposure to this can cause drowsiness, dizziness, numbness and tingling limbs, and nausea. It may also cause cancer. Methylene chloride also made headlines recently for its link to over 50 deaths since 1980. And it’s in your tampons.

The hardest thing to believe about all of this, is that none of these chemicals in tampons are disclosed by the manufacturers.

Unlike a pack of cigarettes with a medical health warning on the box, you're not going to pick up a pad or tampon product, and it's going to say methylene chloride with a list of contraindications.
There’s no way of knowing what’s in a tampon product and that’s frightening. 

Only the basic components are listed, if at all, when you purchase these products. And often the language that is used is ‘may contain rayon and/or cotton’ but nothing conclusive. 

Periods can last up to 40 years, yet its not being disclosed what we're putting in our bodies for this length of time. Millions upon millions of people use these products.

Tampons are used by up to 85% of menstruating women in the U.S. 

Previous testings of tampons and menstrual pads have found pesticide residue –  paraben phthalates
–  which is linked to hormone disruption. Not to mention the antibacterial chemical triclosan, as well as various carcinogens including styrene and chloroform.

Excuse me, chloroform? 

So why are we not talking about this more?

It’s time to uplift how we treat menstruation.

We hide it, we shame it, we guilt it –  It's ‘gross’.

And this mentality is literally killing people who menstruate and making them suffer –  that is not an exaggeration… people are suffering and dying from menstrual related issues.

People bleed for sometimes up to 40 years, it's the reason you exist, and it’s a beautiful experience. So, more research is needed. And give people products that support period health not damage it.

So let's show the world what loving and respecting your period cycle looks like! 

Here’s a new promise to your period cycle:

  • I'm not using any products if I don't know every single ingredient –  Absolutely not! Not doing that!  

  • I’m not using a product linked to potentially harmful chemicals (such as rayon)

There are such amazing women right now paving the way forward to love, honor, and respect periods… and they’re making this a positive experience for the younger generation.

Women like Alexandra Pope of Red School, Uma Tuli Dinsmore of Yoni Shakti, Vicki Noble, as well as organizations like The Pad Project and Get Jonie.

They’re paving the way in terms of helping to end period poverty, using healthy products, and developing products like KNIX Period Panties, which create a more healthy experience with your moon time.

There are also documentaries like Period End of Sentence, that are opening the minds of people around the world to what is happening –  how people are suffering –  and how we can do better.

So here’s my invitation… 

Look at the period products you’re currently using and ask yourself: “Can I do better?”

From an Eastern Yogic perspective, when you're bleeding, there’s a beautiful downward flow of energy. As a Yoga Therapist, I encourage people to go with their flow – instead of block, avoid, resist –  and what I find with a lot of people suffering with their period, there’s a load of blocking, resisting and, suppressing.

I encounter people every day who not only physically block their period with tampons (or cups) but emotionally I see people blocking and resisting their blood too.

For example: talking negatively about their period, hiding it, saying ‘It's yucky, I don't wanna talk about it, I don't want anyone to know I’m on my first day of my bleed’. ‘I'm gonna go to the gym and I'm gonna work hard because that's what I wanna do!’.

These are all forms of resisting and blocking whick create negative vibrations that are no good for period health.

My invitation to you is to STOP resisting and blocking –  and to start going with the flow: be kind, soft, and gentle on your bleed days. 

For example:

  • Sleep a little bit longer (your body needs it)

  • eat more nourishing foods,

  • don't go to those big social engagements (your body asks you to rest and be inward this week)

  • Skip the gym! 

…and most importantly, start using a product that allows your blood to FLOW out of you as it's meant to do. Instead of damming the flood with a rayon filled tampon. 

What’s a healthier, safer, feminine hygiene product?

I highly recommend period panties! They fit comfortably and never let me down. I use KNIX but there are tons of period panty producers all over the world, so find one that works for you. I love that there’s a pad built-in, but it doesn't feel like a pad! You can get panties for heavy flow, light flow, even thongs.

What I love about period panties is that they allow your blood to flow out naturally.

You know what else I love about period panties?
I hand wash them, and it's quite healing to be with your blood like this. To end that stigma of “oh, period blood is yucky, it's gross!” or “I don't want to see it! I’d rather just take the tampon out and throw it in the garbage!” 

I don't have statistics about menstrual cups, but personally I don't like them. I don't care for that feeling of suction when I remove the cup and I don't like it collecting the blood instead of allowing it to flow. 

I also don't want to use tampons, obviously, even the organic ones, because my blood wants to flow out and I enjoy being with that beautiful downward flow of energy.

Bottom Line:

Ultimately, this is about you loving your body, nourishing your body, and honoring your menstrual flow. You will menstruate for many many years, so why not make sure it's the best, most positive experience for your health?

Next Steps:

Get my free guided meditation to start healing your uterus and activating feminine energy. It will help you start healing your relationship with your period cycle and reducing period pains.

Sending you lots of womb blessings,

Joss Frank

Hi! I’m Joss Frank, founder of Wild Womb. I understand how womb and body healing ignites when you look within for guidance because I self-healed from my painful periods, depression, anxiety, sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse… after years of failed efforts to feel better about myself. My failed efforts led to a revelation that true healing comes from within and it requires loving community.

Today, as a Yoga Therapist in my practicum, I help people with womb and body healing so they can reclaim their feminine power, LOVE their sacred feminine bodies, and feel more confident.

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